Author Topic: KX 500 vs. WR 500  (Read 9028 times)

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Offline Big Yac

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KX 500 vs. WR 500
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:27:37 AM »
I have a 99 KX 500 that I love.  It is currently at my parent's house, which I get back to every few weeks.  I've been kicking around the idea of getting another 500 to keep here at my house.  I've seen several 92 and 93 Yamaha WR 500's.  How do these compare handling and power wise to my KX?  The KX is stock by the way.  I know I want a 500 for sure, how does a CR 500 from like 99, 2000, or 2001 compare to these bikes?  This other 500 would be a bike I'd play around on trails mostly but maybe do some harescrambles again.  Thanks.

Offline dirtjunkie85

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 09:16:11 AM »
I dont know much about the WR but the cr IMO will have better egronomics than the K5 but If your looking for a harescramble and desert bike the KX will probably be your best bet. the CR's are a great bike but their power delivery is more abrupt and harder to handle. They will also be less stable at speed than a KX which makes the K5 such a great dez bike. other than the delivery speed and power will be similar with equal gearing.

Offline DoldGuy

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 09:37:24 AM »
As DirtJunkie stated the CR500 is a very good bike. The WR500 is just a rename of the venerable YZ490, which IMO is not the bike to have as it has to many negatives (as being air cooled being the biggest). The CR I feel is actually a better handling than the KX for Woods / Moto, BUT, they WILL HEADSHAKE & rip the handlebars out of your hands in some cases. About 15 years ago my buddy was on a 3rd gear straight at the Moto track & it slammed him down hard (broken collarbone & ribs). Even to this day we still tease him "Be careful that straight looks pretty gnarly" , and he still rides the big red bike.
Hope this helps in your search.
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Offline Big Yac

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2010, 10:26:50 AM »
From all I've been reading I may go with a CR 500.  I guess I just thought it would be cool to have several different 500's, KX, CR, WR what have you.  Since I have the KX already I think the CR would be good, that and it seems to be easier to find parts for the Honda, plus I've been curious about that non powervalve 500 and the monster hit it supposed to have.  Being a large guy big power is always welcome.   :-D

Offline chevy350guy19

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 07:11:43 PM »
the wr 500 is just a gussied up version of the yz490,my 1989 model yz 490, and it gets it on! its more reliable and easier to kick than my 86 kx500 that has the compression release at the head. I think the 490 has way better handling too, and it dosnt just dead stop when your kicking it, 1st kick starts when cold or hot, 86 kx 500 100 kicks with compression release on and nothing, i would get the wr 500, but i think they had different ratio trannys. and the 490 will keep up with my kx no problem.

Offline madmick

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 09:30:07 PM »
i can not under stand your logic,sorry but if i had a 500 at my parents house and wanted one for my place i would buy a trailer and bring it back to my place,why have 2 bikes,trailer= $500,another bike =$2000-$3000,saving a couple of grand,and also kx500=65 hp,wr or cr = only 50 hp at best..? be looking at a trailer and putting the rest into what your riding now..does that make any sense..?.

Offline Big Yac

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 02:12:36 AM »
Well I think its more of an excuse to just get another 500 of some sort...two stroke 500 that is.  Since I have the KX I just thought another like the CR or WR would be cool.  Who on here hasn't dreamed of owning a stable full of 500s    :-D

Offline kwakman

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 02:02:18 AM »
Chevy guy, maybe sumthin amiss with your 86? mine starts within 5 kicks hot or cold with no comp release and murders the local rm500 nut every for thought...... :?
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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2010, 03:09:31 AM »
I ride tight wooded trails most of the time and my 1997 CR500 is more fun than the 2004 KX500.  Don't get me wrong I ride them 50/50.  Both set up with flywheel weights and the biggest rear sprocket that will fit.  When we ride the Arbuckle's mountains in south central Oklahoma I take the KX because of the steep hills and rocky terrain.  The CR handles the sandy trails here in town better,  it's real tight woods.  Lots of switch backs and hair pin turns.  I would say get a second bike and a trailer.  If I go to a ride meet (more than 2 days) I take both bikes, it's like having a spare tire for your truck.  If you get a flat or one bike breaks you have a spare.  Security becomes and issue with a spare bike unless you have someone that stays at camp.  I would say find a CR.  A KX and a CR, that's the spice of life.
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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2010, 03:25:59 AM »
I have one of each.  CR500, CR500AFC, KX500, KX500 in a kxf250 steel frame, and a 92 WR500.  I love the WR!  has a lighting coil, long range on the stock tank, great brakes, very fast top speed.  Fun bike for fart'n around.   But if I know that I'll be on a LONG ride I allways choose the stock 91 K5.  I feel it is the easiest to ride ALL day long.

Offline madmick

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2010, 04:45:30 PM »
zetto" youve got a few bikes there.?..ive just got 1 bike,monster energy 2010 kx500 afx and with a 16 litre tank (4 gallon) in your lingo"and in a 250 frame,lighting coil steering dampener,blah blah blah all the goodies,it can do all of the things you said and more (& with only 1 in the stable) not 5,it is fully road registered and i can ride it legally on the road (no trailer) 8-10 kms to the forest here in adelaide(and ride all day),do all the tight single trail stuff,open long straights,fire trails and i take it all off (extras) to even race it down here "dirt track ", now if you have got a spare $17000 that what she cost me all up with g.s.t, $usa to $aus exchange rate, customs brokerage handling fee, aust"goverment fee, shipping, import certificate, extras generator,wiring,lights,indicaters,mirrors,dampener,road legal muffler,road legal off road tyres blah blah) now not 1 to boast (much anyway) i reckon my baby would smoke you in whatever track you ride and being 5-6kgs lighter (250 frame) ride longer/handle better as me thinks if you sold all of your stable (you would have to get $11.999 for all 5) and got 1 of these babies (cheaper for youse mob up there) as indiana to aus" is light years away $$$ (almost) you would have, 1-more room in your shed (garage) your lingo again, 2-less maintenance to do,5 bikes verses 1 bike, 3-less parts/tyres/plugs, buy (again 5 verses 1), 4-everything is brand new nuts bolts,frame motor, 5-and most important of all have more friends (every1 wants to look,drool and ask questions about it) now if you will excuse me i have a line up of people at my front door,have to clean the saliva off my bike,and also last but not least, A.J. is that job as the australian promoter/sales representative still going down here,?.well if it is im your man..hee hee hee..remember my kx brothers, better your sister in a brothel than your brother on a honda/yamaha/suzuki.and why not gotta add 4stroke as well..heh heh heh..ride hard fellas or go"1 green eyed supporter down under..aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi..(australian battle cry)..madmick.. (i am not realy mad i just get cranky sometimes)..
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 10:38:21 PM by madmick »

Offline ID KX500

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2010, 08:01:03 PM »
madmick the only thing I can think of that your bike dosent do is send power to the front wheel.
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Offline madmick

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Re: KX 500 vs. WR 500
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2010, 10:14:02 PM »
d**n, can i say d**n in this forum, if so double d**n, where do you get them from ? and how $ much do they cost, and a.j. you said mine will have all the trimmings on it, well theres one trimming that you missed..but surely it would have to take some power away from the back wheel for sure,?.that would be the only down fall, and extra weight too i imagine (what does that front wheel drive system weigh) any idea,?.it would be perfect for dirt track, hill climbing but i am not to sure about racing scrambles, super cross, and doing monos..which is what me and my baby were born for, got the battle scars on my butt and back to prove it..but hey you gotta know where your balance points and flipping point are to be a good monoer (is there such a word as monoer) if not i just made it up..thats my story and i am sticking to if you will excuse me i have to bath my battle scars with disinfectant and ring a.j. and give him a piece of my mind..and some more money if there available (front wheel drive system) for my baby..madmick..sorry big yak but it seems that weve taken over your post and made it our own..but i think you get my drift..stay green and everone will be looking at you through green eyes with envy..remember what kermit the frog said..its not easy being green..but he would not have it any other why should you..?.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 02:59:56 AM by madmick »