Author Topic: why do they think riders run......??  (Read 5128 times)

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Offline greencannon

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why do they think riders run......??
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:25:39 AM »
You know growing up I did my share of making bad decisions and stupid things on my dirtbikes. Some which have had the police involved. Now as an adult I realize most of the behavior was petty
and nonsense, a kid being a kid. I never caused intentional malicious destruction to anyones property. But i still managed to have my bike confiscated for riding down the road to get to my favorite
trails. I remember being scared because the cops treated me like I had comitted a violent crime.  then proceeded to drag my bike on its side up a flatbed wrecker, all while officers are laughing because i got caught.  I stumbled on this you tube vid while surfing today and it just made me so angry. Regardless of the situation which caused the police to confiscate this bike, I'm supposed to
feel protected and served by these idiots.  They wonder why a large amount of riders run when they see the flashing blue lights comming. I am not condoning running from the cops when you are in the wrong. But they are no better and certainly abusing the power and also wrecking someones property. Bull$&%T !!!!!
check out the link

Offline crazyolbastard

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 02:40:10 PM »
yeah,   what the cop did was wrong!

like you I also jumped on my bike and went for the trails.
one time I had a young girl on the back and ditched a cop on a 125.
went around the block in a trailer park- cut thru a park- backtracked and let her off at a cat walk.
the officer rolls up on her and asked her who was riding the bike and she played it kool.
says to the man you must have me mixed up with somebody else.

anyway- what happens when the person in the video at the end looks like
a taste of karma from where I sit.
it would be too bad if she broke her tailbone,  right?
Crazy Ol Bastard

Offline JohnJr

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 02:49:10 PM »
Hey,I know where yoyu are coming from , like where I live at a lot of us older guys have bikes and the young kids,12yrs old and up like coming up the the field were we ride and watch, their parents (working good people get them bikes) and us older guys help them with their Bikes, Safety, and teach them the maintanace on their bikes, AND KEEP THEM AWAY FROM DRUGS AND ANY BAD ELEMENTS,and we try to mentor them ,their parets love it, but you have some A-HOLE COPS that tell them no riding, the property is private, just a dirt field,some of the cops just look at us and ask who has the fastest bikes but some are A-HOLES GUESS THEY WANT THE YOUNG PEOPLE TO GET IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM,this is non-sense

Offline BDI

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2010, 06:13:22 PM »
I dont condone just running from the cops either first you have to decide how much gas you have then you need to concider how well you know the area your in and last but not least you have to concider how fast you were going. was that wheelie over a hundred or under a hundred  :|
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Offline ID KX500

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 02:01:14 AM »
I don't condone lawlessness either,,,but  I must confess that in my younger days, I attempted a run on a girlfriend?s dad's Suzuki Trail 90. It was not a powerful bike, but I had out maneuvered the cop by running in and out of allies. Speaking of the gas situation BDI, I ran out of gas and sat there sick to my stomach knowing I was nailed. He did pull out his gun and hauled me to jail, my parents weren't happy.
I hope I'm older and wiser now,,,however if the doctor ever tells me I have 6 months to live,,,I will be riding my KX450F through the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area,,,with no regrets.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 02:23:21 AM by ID KX500 »
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Offline bigbellybob

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2010, 03:19:20 AM »
i used to ride my 80 into town looking for a cop just to run. it was exciting and fun. then one day i blew a corner and smacked into a mail box. the cop stopped looked at me and then drove off. them days r over! now i will only run if i know with out a doubt i can get away. and i never got the hole you cant out run the radio thing. if the cop holing the radio cant see you his radio is worthless.





Offline Danger4u2

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2010, 04:46:59 AM »
Running from the cops in Oklahoma is a felony.  Yes the first time is a felony.  That law went into effect a few years ago.

My last 2 run ins with the cops were my fault and they were in the right.  About a year ago I was going to fast on my street k5.  I exited the high way and the light at the bottom of the hill turned yellow as I made a left under the highway. I gassed it because I knew the next light would change fast.  Went thru it yellow.  Then I hauled down the service road going to the shop where I work.  Because of the vibration you can't see in the mirrors.  But there is no mistaking the old red and blue lights.  No ticket but he gave me a hard time on the non D.O.T knobbies, no speedo (I was using GPS) and then he started in on the exhaust as a Harley went by on the highway, twice as loud as my bike.  He said it look like a fun bike but next time I better finish making it fully street legal.

The other one was mid March this year.   Saturday morning, very early, no one on the highway.  Frost still on the grass.  I was hauling. We all know how well the bikes run when it's cold. It was a motorcycle cop that got me.  I was on the Concours.  He was hiding behind the center wall where the highway splits.   I saw him and did a fast stop. Sitting on my bike with both feet on the kickstand side, crossed at the ankle with my license and insurance papers at the ready.  He walked up, took the papers and said "Wait here."
He came back and told me "David, if  you had been going 65 I wouldn't even had looked at you.  65 to 75  MIGHT have come after you and told you to slow it down.  75 to 80 I'd given you a warning ticket.  I'm sorry Buddy, but 91 in a 55, you gota have a ticket."
I did not argue and said I knew better.  He kind of lightened up a little.  I said "You know how well they run in the cold."
He said "Yea I know but you need to be outside of town to do that."  I think that was one of those "Off the record" statements.
25 miles over the posted speed limit is an arrestable offence in OK.  It's the Officers discretion on whether you go to jail.
I'm just lucky I had slowed down for the bend in the highway. 
By the way, I did not tell him I had slowed down.
KX 500 Rider

Offline jonny500

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 06:00:54 AM »
here in the uk if you are caught riding on any land or road with a non road bike. (you can only ride in organised practice,race events or private land). your bike can be taken and crushed, so if the police come you have to run or lose your bike. thousands of bike are crush each year regardless of value. do the police have that sort of power across the pond

Offline ID KX500

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 06:50:28 AM »
here in the uk if you are caught riding on any land or road with a non road bike. (you can only ride in organised practice,race events or private land). your bike can be taken and crushed, so if the police come you have to run or lose your bike. thousands of bike are crush each year regardless of value. do the police have that sort of power across the pond
When this country started out, after kicking King George to the curb, we had our rights, but in the name of public safety we have lost a lot of freedom. I don't believe anywhere, this side of the pond, that a bike can be destroyed, but they can impound at outrageous rates. You will get your bike back however. Private property is supposed to be respected, that is what is wrong in the video of the lady cop taking her joyride,,, probably the same thing a kid did to get the bike impounded.
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Offline BDI

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2010, 07:11:19 AM »
I had a cop try to shove me off my bike at a red light. He had his gun drawn on me and was running and pushing me. I had both feet planted on the ground and was pulling up on the bars so hard with adrenaline I'm sure the front wheel of the old 1000 was barely on the ground. After his third time of pushing me I told him if he knocked me over he was going to have to shoot me, he stopped. Here in the states if you are running from the cops they will intentionally put themselves in harms way so they can legally shoot your ass. This is no accident when you see this on tv.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 11:16:25 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline jonny500

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2010, 07:30:23 AM »
here in the uk if you are caught riding on any land or road with a non road bike. (you can only ride in organised practice,race events or private land). your bike can be taken and crushed, so if the police come you have to run or lose your bike. thousands of bike are crush each year regardless of value. do the police have that sort of power across the pond
When this country started out, after kicking King George to the curb, we had our rights, but in the name of public safety we have lost a lot of freedom. I don't believe anywhere, this side of the pond, that a bike can be destroyed, but they can impound at outrageous rates. You will get your bike back however. Private property is supposed to be respected, that is what is wrong in the video of the lady cop taking her joyride,,, probably the same thing a kid did to get the bike impounded.
that video is from the uk i think, if so the bike was most definatly on the way to the crusher

Offline BDI

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2010, 07:35:05 AM »
Crushing peoples motorcycles? that sounds like something that would happen in a communist country. Who's in charge over there? the grinch?.   
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 07:37:10 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline jonny500

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2010, 07:44:09 AM »
they are worse than the grinch. seriously it all came about when the chinese imports started coming over and dirt/pit bikes became cheap. so loads of people bought them and went crazy riding across parks and stuff with no helmets, so i suppose they had to do somthing. but it seems to be the same old story over here the majority pay for the actions of a minority. its no problem for people who can afford to pay to ride practice and events tracks but its a pain when you just want to test or run your bike in. you have to pay or take the risk

Offline bigbellybob

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2010, 07:54:28 AM »
the majority pay for the actions of a minority
that my friend happens every where.





Offline butchpatrick

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Re: why do they think riders run......??
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2010, 04:17:05 PM »
I've had my problems with the cops, but I will say i'm 29 now and will STILL run from the cops..(with my dirt bike).  I feel where ever you live there's more problems than someone haveing a good time on there bikes. I live in IN and there's alot more going on than to worry about a bunch of guys haveing a good time and haveing a few beers. I really know the town and don't think ANY cop is catching me on that BIG K5. So have fun and remember if you see the red and blue lights all ways remember you have 4th gear....Ride it like you stole it...HA HA.