Hi guys! Well we are back in Texas after 6 weeks 4 dune trip! The whole time I was trying to figure out everyone we met kept taking about how many people are killed at St. Anthony's. We talked to a guy at one of the KOA's in Idaho who's mother worked in a near by emergency room and he said " Yea they kill some one their every weekend during the busy season"! We have now been there 2 times and typically we hit the dunes on Mondays to avoid the traffic. I finally figured it out, now that we have been at 12 different dune fields, what was different about St Anthony! It is the only dunes where they have these designated trails, most of the first timers are riding and driving both directions on these trails! So now you have dirt bikes, quads, side by sides and sand rails taking aim at you on every hill of these trails! It would be wise to avoid these trails!
I think Killpecker would be another great place for a group ride!