Author Topic: man back up  (Read 1911 times)

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Offline kwakman

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man back up
« on: June 24, 2010, 10:57:51 PM »
hi guys, my bro said he'd told you a bit about the accident and your messages of support were greatly received. To cut a long story short, the car I was travelling in as a passenger was sideswiped (mauled to bits more like)by a 28 tonne eight legger, (biggest rigid truck on british roads) which left me with a severe femur break and several other fractures, cuts and concussion.I was revived in hospital after being clinically dead for over 2 minutes (tragedy, who's gonna finish the five?????)and am happy to announce that I'm on the mend and polishing engine cases in the smoking area in hospital was good therapy.ward sister wasnt happy but as long as I wasnt inside doing it, she didnt have a say.(fingertips wouldnt agree though!!!)Still feel sore, but thats an improvement over not being able to feel anything at all.Thanks again to all, Kman.
And lo, I did loft the front wheel and carried it forth to the unbelievers, and cast it down before them and said unto them ''look now upon the might of my throttle control ye pitiful cretinous ones''
And the unbelievers did quake in their boots....

Offline Goat

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Re: man back up
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 12:03:45 AM »
Glad to hear you're doing better. Someone has to finish the k5 might as well be the one who started it. I'd like to see pics of those polished cases hen they are done. :-)
It's hard to keep a drivers license riding a 2 stroke dirt bike on the street.  If you drive within the law they are VERY boring.

Offline BDI

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Re: man back up
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 02:12:29 AM »
Glad to hear your doing better :-) must be nice to be home. You are home now right?
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: man back up
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2010, 02:42:40 AM »
 Well you must be one tough digger "K", Glad to hear your doing better.   
If you need more polish work, we could send you cases & swingarms etc to keep you out of trouble while you finish mending.  You Know, like in the Karate Kid Movie,
   Wax -On....Wax-Off... :-D

 I hope you haven't given those Sisters at the Hospital too awful bad of a time, they work for peanuts and their Boss has ALOT of influence on where we end up when we leave this Rock... :lol:
      Thank God your Your still with us Mate, We often forget how really fragile we are.    You must still have something  here to finish, so  I won't take you off  my "List" Just yet,
 Still Putting In "A Good Word" for You and several other members who seem to have gotten in a bit of physical setback.
  Stay in touch.
Pax Christi,
Tuck-O  \o/
"The Truth Has No Agenda"

Offline kwakman

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Re: man back up
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 06:48:07 AM »
Yes.back home and annoying everyone within a 15 foot radius.happy days.goin like f$%k with the autosol too,and I can tell you this, if these cases dont look the dogs by the time i'm done i'm gonna take up basket weaving or cheese making or summat.If you like the idea of polished cases, just don't.And if you really must, start with new cases, not 24 yr old ones.And I havent even started the ferkin swinger yet.... :evil:
Anyways, good to be back, and just about mobile enuff to do a few bits, and a few more when nobodys lookin....Dyin to feel her hit the band and smash the front wheel into the clouds and the thought of it has kept me goin of late more than even i imagined it could.Now enuff yackin, got some metal to polish..... :cry:
And lo, I did loft the front wheel and carried it forth to the unbelievers, and cast it down before them and said unto them ''look now upon the might of my throttle control ye pitiful cretinous ones''
And the unbelievers did quake in their boots....