Well you must be one tough digger "K", Glad to hear your doing better.
If you need more polish work, we could send you cases & swingarms etc to keep you out of trouble while you finish mending. You Know, like in the Karate Kid Movie,
Wax -On....Wax-Off...

I hope you haven't given those Sisters at the Hospital too awful bad of a time, they work for peanuts and their Boss has ALOT of influence on where we end up when we leave this Rock...

Thank God your Your still with us Mate, We often forget how really fragile we are. You must still have something here to finish, so I won't take you off my "List" Just yet,
Still Putting In "A Good Word" for You and several other members who seem to have gotten in a bit of physical setback.
Stay in touch. Croft_RW@Yahoo.com
Pax Christi,
Tuck-O \o/