Author Topic: Ok. getting punished  (Read 5722 times)

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Offline Danger4u2

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Ok. getting punished
« on: June 14, 2010, 10:25:24 AM »
Man, Oklahoma is getting punished,  don't know what we've done. 
Late Fall of last year we had the major ice storm.
Destroyed the city riding area and my track behind the shop, trees down everywhere.  Then mid Winter we had the choking snow storm that shut the city down for 4 days.  Power outages all over.  About a month ago we had the giant hail storm.  $13,000 damage to my house, holes through the roof and all the windows beat out on the North side of the house.  2 weeks ago a tornado came through the city riding area.  15 volunteers worked 7 hours the first day and only cleared 1 mile of track.  This week they went though with chainsaws then ran the tractor pushing everything off of the track.  You don't want to over run any of the turns because your crash zone is a mass of cut up trees, limbs and brush.  I volunteered Sat. and worked 7 hours cutting face slappers and hanging limbs.

Now we come to the rain storm.  From 4:30 this morning to 11:30 we got 10.5 inches of rain.  The creek behind the shop is 20 foot deep.  Most times it has 4 inches of water about 2 foot across.  It dries up in the summer.  It spilled out of the banks and washed away about 4 cords of my firewood. It's all over the lot next door.  If there is a silver lining, it's the fact that I had not split it yet.  I could only watch it float away.  I moved my bus and my aluminum quad trailer or they would be gone.  The mig welder, tools, steel shot and anything of value we put up on tables in the shop.  The water got to the back edge of the shop but not high enough to get in.  The deep pictures are after the rain had slowed and the water had receded about a foot.  More rain in the forecast tonight and tomorrow.  You have to give the firefighters and EMT's a thumbs up for all the people they rescued.  I think they should be able to shoot the stupid people that got trapped in their cars because they drove into deep water.  The whole storm system is headed up I- 44.  Stewart get ready.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 10:37:02 AM by Danger4u2 »
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Offline BDI

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 12:42:22 PM »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline Danger4u2

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Ok. getting punished
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 12:48:13 PM »

« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 12:55:53 PM by Danger4u2 »
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Offline maddoggy

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 03:25:38 AM »
it sure is humbling watching the good lord at work doing whatever he pleases. stuff like this happens and all we can do is watch and say wow. i feel for you danger, sure hope it stops sometime soon so the cleanup can start. glad we dont have that kind of stuff to deal with here in wyoming.

Offline Coop

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 08:12:39 AM »
We have been hammered with rain, but nothing like that. My heart goes out to you guys.
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Offline BDI

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2010, 04:49:26 AM »
How's it going danger :? you got that ark built yet.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 04:53:24 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 11:57:15 AM »
It's still running over the low water crossing, 3" deep.  Gathered up all the firewood that beached on the neighbors property.  Collected a bunch on the fence at the interstate.  Shop back up and running.
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2010, 11:59:41 AM »
It's still running over the low water crossing, 3" deep.  Gathered up all the firewood that beached on the neighbors property.  Collected a bunch on the fence at the interstate.  Shop back up and running.

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Offline maddoggy

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 04:56:41 PM »
 it did flood in my town a week ago and i had a little water in the basement, but nothing of the magnitude of the flooding in OK. seems like on the news it is flooding in alot of places all over the world. i can't recall a year when more flooding has been active all over the world. maybe just my imagination.

Offline snoopjonnyjon

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2010, 02:29:55 AM »
We are getting similar flooding in southern Saskatchewan. The main highways are closed with water running over top of them. Yesterday morning dad talked to a trucker coming from Moose Jaw, water was half way up the tanks on his Mack. And that was in the morning. About 6pm we got a huge thunderstorm that dropped another several inches of rain in a few minutes. About 500 acres of our farm land is under water, and many of the grid roads have been washed out. I think we've had about 2 feet of rain since May 18.

Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2010, 04:53:59 AM »
It's here too in Indiana. My garage has over an inch of standing water. 4" of rain last night on top of competely saturated neighborhoods. water can't shed fast enough. Feel like I have been "punished" too, with the stress of the water in my garage. Running the sump for hours and can barely tell the water level is receding.
  I have to be thankful though. Other areas have been completely overtaken. Dams degraded, homes and major property losses. People have been getting evacuated from certain areas in expectations of rising flood waters in creeks and rivers. Can't complain too much, I guess that all I will be losing is some scrap lumber and saw dust.  :|

Offline don46

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2010, 05:10:58 AM »
The city I live in only had one documented tornado back in 1958, sunday night we had another, it destroyed many buildings including My Kawasaki dealership. In addition we had over 2" of rain and while that may not be much for some of you it was major for us we only get about 12 annually.
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Offline BDI

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2010, 06:04:10 AM »
Don I didn't know you owned a dealership. I guess you wouldn't really have a need to mention that :|. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I sure hope you have good insurance that covers tornados. I hope it's not like flood insurance.
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Offline maddoggy

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2010, 06:28:55 AM »
correct me if i am wrong. i don't think it is dons personal shop, its just his "local" kawi shop. he spends so much $ there that he probably feels like it is his, just guessing. the tornado was in billings montana, about 2 hrs north of my house. it destroyed the events center where i usually go to watch concerts, monster trucks, motocross and other stuff. it just so happened to hit on sunday when no poeple where inside. if it happened a day earlier or later it would have killed hundreds of people. the news said only a couple people had minor injuries, pretty amazing considering the tornado bounced right through town. our area has had alot of huge storms in the last 2 weeks. my wife and i spent last weekend in deadwood south dakota(its like a small las vegas) and took our travel trailer to an rv park. saturday night it stormed and dumped a ton of rain and hail. the wind was so bad i thought it was going to tip the camper on its side. may have been a funnel cloud but i never heard anything about it. nasty weather everywhere!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 06:30:29 AM by maddoggy »

Offline don46

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Re: Ok. getting punished
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 06:34:43 AM »
MD your right, it is not my personal shop, just the shop that I have purchased every new bike since the 70's, I guess what I mean is the only shop I visit.
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