Sorry,cant agree there.My Father in law and Grandpa died a horrible slow death from cancer and Im sure they wouldnt agree with you either.I never drank or smoke and I never will,my problem with alcohol is nothing ever good comes from it.Drunk drivers killing inocent people,drunks are more likely to get in fights,its broken up marriages,caused people to lose jobs,go to jail and is bad for your health ect.Smokers always seem to want to share there smoke,they smoke with the windows down holding it outside there window,if your in a room with a smoker you cant escape it,even outside it carries in the wind,its a nasty thing to do and is a killer.I cant think of one positive thing that comes from smoking or drinking.Since I dont agree with your point of view on my health or life being over at age 60 I dont want to be around it and feel its my right not to be,any public place I dont want to smell or breath it.There was a time people could smoke in the same office/brake room,or movie theater,store or bus ect and Im glad those days are gone.If the smokers kept it to themselves then I see it as there problem,but its smoke and I dont want to breath it, so its my problem.So Im all for the ban and If I had my way itd all be illegal!I dont feel were losing any rights only gaining rights,my right to live a healthy life and not being forced to suffer from someone's bad judgement.