Author Topic: No Smoking Bans  (Read 3260 times)

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No Smoking Bans
« on: March 24, 2004, 10:34:33 AM »
This doesn't ralate to riding, but I really hate how no smoking bans are all the rage these days. It all started in California, then NY and now I read all of Ireland has a no smoking ban for restaurants and pubs. Now CA want to ban smoking on beaches.

People don't realize that they just keep giving up more and more of their freedom by letting the government dictate what you can and can't do.

It amazes me how ignorant people are. They think smoking is a killer. Well I don't know one person who dies from smoking their whole life who was younger than 60. Not to put anyone down, but I think we can all agree that a person's best years are behind them by 60 anyways. People know that smoking can degrade their health. If enough people wanted to go to a no-smoking bar, then there would be bars that the owner made no smoking.

I have a bad feeling that soon enough, the government will take away other things that people enjoy such as riding dirtbikes at places other than tracks.

By the way, I DON'T smoke, but I do feel that a person has every right to if they want.


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No Smoking Bans
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 09:57:08 PM »
Sorry,cant agree there.My Father in law and Grandpa  died a horrible slow death from cancer and Im sure they wouldnt agree with you either.I never drank or smoke and I never will,my problem with alcohol is  nothing ever good comes from it.Drunk drivers killing inocent people,drunks are more likely to get in fights,its broken up marriages,caused people to lose jobs,go to jail and is bad for your health ect.Smokers always seem to want to share there smoke,they smoke with the windows down holding it outside there window,if your in a room with a smoker you cant escape it,even outside it carries in the wind,its a nasty thing to do and is a killer.I cant think of one positive thing that comes from  smoking or drinking.Since I dont agree with your point of view on my health or life being over at age 60 I dont want to be around it and feel its my right not to be,any public place I dont want to smell or breath it.There was a time people could smoke in the same office/brake room,or movie theater,store or bus ect and Im glad those days are gone.If the smokers kept it to themselves then I see it as there problem,but its smoke and I dont want to breath it, so its my problem.So Im all for the ban and If I had my way itd all be illegal!I dont feel were losing any rights only gaining rights,my right to live a healthy life and not being forced to suffer from someone's bad judgement.


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No Smoking Bans
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 10:25:57 PM »
Yea I think you shouldnt be able to smoke in public buildings, cause im sure you CANT wait till you leave or go out side..thats just sad, keep that nasty habbit to yourself.

Offline John

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No Smoking Bans
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 11:55:07 PM »
I also have an opinion!

This discussion thread does not belong in this forum just as Jes_KX5 pointed out.

Nothing good related to what's close to our hearts (green machines) will come out of it so I suggest we do not discuss politic unless it?s related to KX?

I am not trying to offend anyone and I hope I have not done so by expressing my opinion?

//John, member of the Anti Politics Police Force  :wink:


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No Smoking Bans
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2004, 02:32:41 AM »
The main point I was trying to make is that it's scary how much power special interest groups have. Like I said, it may only be a matter of time befor the conservationists try to ban people from riding their dirtbikes anywhere but at a track.

I'm just trying to tell people to keep themselves informed of legislation and write to your representatives if you feel someone is trying to take away your rights.

Offline Paul

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No Smoking Bans
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2004, 02:54:54 AM »
I'm going to have to agree with John here. I've made it a point of making this forum as bike specific as possible. Religion, money, politics and health are the roots of the majority of conflicts - arguements, fights, etc...

This is a locked thread, the only one on this board I believe. I believe in your right to speak your mind so don't take offense. This is just not what PBR was created for.

Quote from: John
I also have an opinion!

This discussion thread does not belong in this forum just as Jes_KX5 pointed out.

Nothing good related to what's close to our hearts (green machines) will come out of it so I suggest we do not discuss politic unless it?s related to KX?

I am not trying to offend anyone and I hope I have not done so by expressing my opinion?

//John, member of the Anti Politics Police Force  :wink: