Author Topic: Custom Boring Shops?  (Read 1419 times)

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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Custom Boring Shops?
« on: May 28, 2010, 06:25:17 AM »
 Kinda off topic, but still bet someone on here knows the answer. I have a KTM 85 2003. It has a big wheel kit and an overbored cylinder to some unknown cc. The previous owner gave me several cylinders along with a half a truck load of other back-up parts. While investigating them, I discovered 3 good stock cylinders, 1 cylinder bored out to match a 105 piston, which was also in the stash. Then I saw an even bigger bore in one, and saw that it matched a Wiseco YZ 80 piston. The Yz piston is taller from the pin to the top of the piston, and the head is milled accordingly. The PO told me it was 2mm Hot Rod stroker crank, but I am not sure if he was "selling" it to me or it has one of those in there also.
  My question is, I want to get a back-up top end ready, so I can minimize down time for the girlfriend. I am looking for a company that is familiar with this kind of application. Max Power was not interested. Comment was :" they tend to make the exhaust bridges too thin and high which will blow them up when over bored." They can make them strokers or put a stock 105 cylinder on my 85. This bike has been running for 3 years without a hitch, so I am comfortable remaking what I have, but would like someone with experience to fill in the blanks a little on the best game plan.