Nothing cool but i guess I will tell you guys anyway, this should give 560 something to smile about

. I was walking down the staires with a quilt in my hands. I was on the third step from the bottom when I miss stepped, I started to twist my left ankle so I instinctively tried to switch my weight to my right foot. My foot took off across the top of the steps like Bubba over whoops all the way down to the landing. When my foot hit the bottom my fibula snapped and my foot broke off the bottom of my leg. I rolled over, sat up and my foot was 90 degrees to my leg so I grabbed my foot and put it back where it belonged.Luckily I was home alone so no help

. My wife was 45 minutes away at a concert. I called my buddy Rick who was at dinner, It takes him 25 minutes to get to me. Come to find out it's pretty hard to get up off the living room floor and into the back seat of a lifted f150 with a blowed up ankle, I pretty much had to cowboy up on that one. Anyway they say I need surgery, does anyone make cool crutches, I'm thinking of building my own.