Author Topic: Stewart  (Read 8327 times)

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Offline IcemanK5

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 10:37:43 AM »
I know you will get your head with the mods discussed, if you are in a pinch for a head, I have a stock head (uncut) that I would be glad to send so you can make your ride. We all must keep in mind that the K5 is a passion for Stewart, BUT, I am sure that its not what pays his bills. Have received a few things from him with the understanding it will be a little while.

Again, if you need the head the offer is there.


WOW!!!! if i have never said it before, let me say it now. there are some REALLY nice and cool guys that are members at this site. where else would you get offers to use a total strangers parts for free. we are blessed to have all the members that we do. look at the stuff that some of them do for the guys here. Doldguy, we just saw the kind of guy he is. Friar tuck, he is always lending his time and wealth of info at a moments notice. Danger4u2, he pays for this site so the rest of us have a cool site to hang around on. Bdi, he's always around with top quality info, if he says something you can count on it to be from experience and fact. Stewart, he has been here for a long time giving us all top quality info. he's never scoffed at any question no matter how dumb, and trust me,ive asked some dumb ones on here. i know i only mentioned a couple guys here, i don't mean to leave everyone else out. everyone here is really great at giving advise. i just want to express how awesome it is to have nice guys around offering to help in any way they can.

Doldguy offer is a real stand up offer.
He did not have to go out on a limb to try and help out, but he offered any way....BTW thanks Doldguy. But as i said in the above post Stewart has the whole upper head assem. I agree that I will get the new head assem. back, it;s a matter of when.

I do value the members of this board and the help everyone gives. I have done the same myself here to return a favor that was done for me.

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2010, 10:50:20 AM »
it was sent by post office ,,i will see what they can tell me about your top end,,,if i cant find it there or here , tommorow i will next day you another one.....since none of your cylinder or head was usable that incduled a cylinder core and i swapped you for a good head at no charge since i felt you head core was use able,,,,and did not charge frieght for any speical shipping ,,,i have friends at the post will check it tommorrw  its hard to see in this picture but the cylinder core was not fixabale in my opionion due to the damage that crackad clear thru the exashst bridges and it damage all the kips componets 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 11:17:11 AM by stewart »


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Re: Stewart
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2010, 11:19:56 AM »
my phone has not stopped ringing and i have answered as many calls as i could today in between people being in front of me asking stuff

Offline IcemanK5

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2010, 11:21:37 AM »
it was sent by post office ,,i will see what they can tell me about your top end,,,if i cant find it there or here , tommorow i will next day you another one.....since none of your cylinder or head was usable that incduled a cylinder core and i swapped you for a good head at no charge,,,,and did not charge frieght for any speical shipping ,,,i have friends at the post will check it tommorrw

Thank you sir,
If you do end up sending another head out I'll make sure to return the other one if it should show up.

I hope anything I have written on the board that I have said will not reflect on the other members of the board with you. Again I meant no offence. I like keeping in touch with folk's that I'm doing busness with from time to time.

I have no dought of the deal you made for me, please understand it is just a tight time line I'm starting to run up against. I wish I had more time to just let it set and wait for you.

I'm going on vaction soon for a month and will be taking the bike with me. Thats the reseaon I looking to get it back together and checked out for any other problems before going.

Again Thanks Kurt
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Offline IcemanK5

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2010, 11:28:31 AM »
it was sent by post office ,,i will see what they can tell me about your top end,,,if i cant find it there or here , tommorow i will next day you another one.....since none of your cylinder or head was usable that incduled a cylinder core and i swapped you for a good head at no charge since i felt you head core was use able,,,,and did not charge frieght for any speical shipping ,,,i have friends at the post will check it tommorrw  its hard to see in this picture but the cylinder core was not fixabale in my opionion due to the damage that crackad clear thru the exashst bridges and it damage all the kips componets 

Yup looks like my piece of junk all right, but thats why I sent the whole assem. Really wanted you to see just how it came off the bike.

I do trust you opion on what you found in the head and have no rpoblem with the did me good!

For those of following this thread what I paid for the work Stewart did is what we talked about. I wanted ALL the little things he could do for me and ALL new parts. Even then he still gave me a really good deal. This was not the problem from the was just about the time line I'm dealing with.

Stewart will tell you as well as others prices very from person to preson and what they want done.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 12:11:29 PM by IcemanK5 »
The Nature of Man:
We spend 9 months trying to get out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in as many times as we can!

Ca. is like a chicken:
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« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2010, 04:57:14 AM »
Is everything alright in the land of Stewart?  He's been very qiuiet so I checked his profile. And
Last Active:   May 24, 2010, 09:19:55 AM

that's almost an entire month.   We don't want to lose Stewart...

Offline DoldGuy

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2010, 05:39:10 AM »

Seems we already have  :cry:
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 10:36:37 AM by DoldGuy »
Its Never too Late to Have a Happy Childhood!

Offline Rooster452

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2010, 07:06:42 AM »
Spoke to Stewart about two weeks ago about my two engines he is rebuilding. He said that they are very busy and my engines were ready for assembly and should be done soon. Called yesterday and no answer. Guess he is still swamped. I know he mentioned about a Pikes Peek project they were excited about.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2010, 07:37:47 AM »
I was at his shop June 4 and we (me watching) assembled my engine.  When you say "Guess he is still swamped" you might be more correct than you think.  The flooding rains we received here in Oklahoma on June 14th went right on into the Joplin, Missouri area.
I don't have my bike back together yet but from what I have heard he is well worth the wait.  My engine looks new as it went back together.  His attention to detail is unsurpassed.
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Offline k5abuser

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2010, 02:04:17 PM »
stewarts been busyer than a buck toothed beaver in a petrefied forest before a flood . the cars drag in and drive out any were from 3 to 7 cars aday and stewarts has a hand in everyone of them along with waiting on everyone that comes in and calls . so he is busy . some times no food all day . the only time a i pas up a meal is on my way to a bigger meal .  :lol:
 so it will all be done as fast it can . i just had one day off after 13 days in a row and no on till july 3rd or longer. 12 hours days seem long .
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2010, 05:12:32 AM »
Hey Stewart.......  any progress on my cases????
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2010, 06:42:55 AM »
I hope he's just tending to business and not tired of our problems. He's confident in his methods, and we all beat him up a little for info and then debate the answers. Not too many guys have the accomplishments and attention to details as Stewart, so I hope everyone gives him a little break.
  If your motor comes back like mine, which i am sure  that it will, you are going to be very happy. You may find that it runs better than you ever expected. After you get it fired up, your downtime will definately be worth the investment for the end result. My 500 is pulling 15-46 hillclimbing, without any trouble. Previously, it could handle 13-45, and that was alot to handle like that.
  Maybe you guys that had trouble getting ahold of him should report back after you talk with him, and then again after the test ride to put it in better perspective. Thanks

Offline Rooster452

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2010, 05:13:01 AM »
I hope he's just tending to business and not tired of our problems. He's confident in his methods, and we all beat him up a little for info and then debate the answers. Not too many guys have the accomplishments and attention to details as Stewart, so I hope everyone gives him a little break.
  If your motor comes back like mine, which i am sure  that it will, you are going to be very happy. You may find that it runs better than you ever expected. After you get it fired up, your downtime will definately be worth the investment for the end result. My 500 is pulling 15-46 hillclimbing, without any trouble. Previously, it could handle 13-45, and that was alot to handle like that.
  Maybe you guys that had trouble getting ahold of him should report back after you talk with him, and then again after the test ride to put it in better perspective. Thanks

Good suggestion. Last email I got from Stewart dated 7/22 :
"hello i am here worked 20 hours monday and wore the phone battery down to replacment"

I'm giving him some time before I call him again about my motors. Hope he doesn't burn himself out.

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Stewart
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2010, 05:40:12 AM »
Does anyone know of a way to contact Stewart?  He's not answering the phone number I have.
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