Author Topic: 2003 250/500 Hybrid  (Read 6270 times)

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Offline outaice

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2003 250/500 Hybrid
« on: July 21, 2009, 01:59:05 AM »
Hi all, long time listener first time caller, just wanted to say thanks to all who have posted, asked questions, posted pictures and gave step by steps on their conversions.  So here is mine, its a 2003 250 Frame and a 99 500 engine.  I learned a lot on it and will post more later but I promised stewart I would get this up and give a little back to site that's helped me so much.  Yeah I'm another horn blower, stewart has been nothing but good people, every time we've talked he's bent over backwards to help, can't say enough about this guy and this site.  I can answer questions, but I don't have anymore pictures right now, I tried alot of products on this one, over sized tank, DNA wheels, rg3 triple clamps, tusk brakes and the Service Honda pipe.  I pieced it together just starting with the frame, I wouldn't recommend it, but I did learn alot.  The "finished" picture was before I put the silencer on it, which is still a work in progress, but it runs well and I can't wait to get back and start on the suspension tuning.  Hope you like it and will do my best to answer any questions you have.

scott berge
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 02:06:54 AM by outaice »

Offline kx250.1698

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 02:11:23 AM »
Good job looks nice


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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 03:54:04 AM »
nice looking bike,, looks cool  thanks stewart

Offline BDI

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 04:43:52 AM »
Does look nice I wish I could spend every day building bad ass bikes. J-fab you hiring AJ won't send me an app. :x, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!


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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 02:56:07 PM »
hey brian that sounds like a fun job that a sunnen rod hone in the back ground scott

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 04:19:36 PM »
Looking good! Im building an 04 KX250/500. You mentioned that you tried an oversized tank. I tried both the IMS and Clarke with no luck. How did you do it and what tank did you end up with? The stock tank looks like it was made for the conversion. How did the Service Honda pipe fit? Did it need any modding to fit?
Thanks, Rob
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline outaice

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 12:12:39 AM »
Hey FH,  Yeah I said I tried the clark tank, I read your post just the other day came to the same conclusion, it would have had to be cut and welded to work, to bad too I was really hoping for that extra gallon, I bought a stock one after that fiasco.  I had to heat and bend it just a little for the plug, and I'm using the NGK shorty that someone else mentioned on here, sorry don't have the part # in front of me, if you need it I can find it.  The service honda pipe was a pretty good fit,  mine did say Gnarly on it if it makes a difference to anyone.  I had read somewhere else that it needed to be modified but mine fit really well, exept for the water hose on the side of the engine I had to ding it pretty good there and then it lined up perfect in the frame, I was a little bit suprised by that because the relationship from the exhaust port to anywhere on the engine should be the same no matter what frame you put a KX500 in.  On the down side the trans fill plug is covered, I trimmed the plug down as well, I am looking at an aluminum hex plug online for it I think I found it at RockymountainATV,  you need to unhook the springs and pull it out of the exhaust port to get a funnel in it, and just to make it easier I put the water hose on after I mounted the pipe, havn't needed to take the pipe completely off yet so I can't say how that is going to work yet, but for the price and the look, it was a huge time saver when it comes to fabbing one or sending off the bike to get a custom done.  And on another note the nickle flaked off terrible when I clearanced  it. Hope it was just a bad prep job by FMF.   I saw your rear mount too, I did the same thing at first, put the head in the mill and moved the bolt hole closer in and still had trouble making it look nice, I just whacked it off and built a front head stay like a lot of other guys have done on here, that was a shame too because it was one of the reasons I wanted to use an 03 or up frame.  For the silencer I just took a piece of thin walled tubing and turned it down till it fit in the FMF pipe and had to cut about an inch or better off the silencer and tig welded the tubing on the end, I'm working on a different set up now, well when I get back in late august that is.  Good luck and anything thing I can help with just ask, would love to give back to this site as much as I can. 

Yeah stewart good eyes thats in my dads engine shop in Dakota, its an old one but a good one, right next to the honing tank I built when I was in high school, my dad has since put an air ram on it and an amp gauge to monitor the drag of the hone.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 12:43:24 AM by outaice »

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2009, 03:32:39 PM »
Thanks for the info! What did you use for the airbox to carb boot? I used the 500 boot and filter frame. I mated it to the 04 airbox with a filler panel.
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Offline outaice

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2009, 12:22:43 AM »

Hey Rob,
Yeah I did the same, I was really hoping to use the 250 set up but it just didn't look right, I cut a piece of .060 aluminum and drilled some holes and put it together with panel bonder, the filter is a bit tricky to get out, I notched the bottom of the air box so I could turn the wing nut, but the rear fender still seals it off.  Where did you put your coil and black box?

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2009, 01:32:01 AM »
Right now I have the CDI mounted to the steering head, where the original 250 CDI was mounted. I cut the coil brackets off and will reuse them, probably somewhere on the right side, upper frame rail. How did you mount the radiators? I am going to make some brackets that bolt on to the existing mount holes and space them upwards a little, otherwise, they hit the cylinder and the lower cross over hose gets wedged between the cylinder and the frame. I may try to get a friend to make me a carbon fiber tank, he made one for my old WR250 Yamaha 2t, years ago. It wasnt cheap, about $450 12 years ago. I may also try to get a friend to make me an aluminum tank. Either one wont be for a while though. Ill let you know what I come up with. Im glad someone else is building one, it will be alot of help!
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline outaice

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2009, 02:13:03 AM »
Hey Rob,

Sorry I havn't gotten back to you been a busy couple days.  I used the 500 radiators, just a little snip hear and there welded on a top and bottom bracket on each side, just for the simple hose routing I believe it to be worth it.  FYI I tried the works radiator guards for the 03 250 radiators, figured if I could mount the 500 radiators in the guards and bolt the guards on I'd have been in business, didn't work, I may try and fit some 500 guards at a later date.  If your getting a tank built and its cheaper to make two?  I'd be interested.  Let me know how your coming on and don't be afraid to post some pictures on this thread.


Offline jbersano

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Re: 2003 250/500 Hybrid
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2010, 02:21:25 PM »
Hi Scott!, you can put more photos about the build? thanks! Juan