Mike, I think any big bore fan would like one-unless you are a pure desert racer.The K5 is just better in this role. One thing for sure, if you want to try one,you wont get hurt on the deal if you buy a clean used one. These bikes are way durable and hold their value. My brother bought a used 2000AF for $6500 after riding mine. He rode it for a year and a half, put very little into it, and sold it for $6500.Service usually has 1 or 2 used ones on it's web site. Like you,I still love my K5.Both of my bikes have the same motor work-trued cranks,ported,bored carbs,big compression.The K5 is about three bikes lenghts faster on the hill.I may not be able to afford the trickest truck or a nice trailer, but 2 stroke 500s will always rule my wallet.Long live REAL open bikes.............