My old H2 is still sitting in the shed of the guy I sold it to. I checked but can't find any pictures of beast. The guy that bought it , put the lectrons on it and nitrous

. Then he sent the tranny out to Rudy Kurtz at Port Magic and had him do his override setup[no clutch shifting just jerk the shift up and it goes right into the next gear]. when he got it back he was practicing holeshots in the field behide his house , got out of control , backed out of the throttle and wiped out 2nd gear - with the override you cant chop the throttle , you have to use the clutch or it takes out the next gear. CBX
Seems like an unecessary and dangerous mod/mods for the antiquated super two-stroker. I would be worried about taking anything out of stock. The 3 cylinder configuration can cause lots of damage quickly, since one cylinder having a problem is hard to tell because the other two can be fine. You have to really know your bike's sound and keep an eye on pipe exhaust smoke (or lack of it) and equal expansion chamber heat, so you don't crater the engine. Modifying to the point of imbalanced jetting can get the center cylinder into trouble quickly, since the heat builds quickly there.
From what I know, of the several triples that I am a fan of, They all pull 1st gear, hillclimbing. 2nd gear is a known weakness in the triple tranny. Thats just what the guys have told me. Again, I do not have the nads to find out for myself.

PS Do not lose the clutch release mechanism. The guy who designed the Scy-Tech one, has passed, and the supplies are limited.