When the shop told you to change your mix they neglected to tell you may have to change your jetting to facilitate the new mix.
it may take a few posts back and forth but there are some great guys here who will be be able to help sort this out.
Going from 32: to 40:1 in your pre-mix you are going from 32 parts fuel and 1 part oil per volume of liquid to 40 parts fuel and 1 part oil of per volume
That is more fuel for every oz of mix. or richening the fuel for every oz. moving into the engine.
If I haven't totally botched this up,

you will have to lean out your jetting as there is now 8 parts more fuel for every 1 part of oil than you had with the old mix.
I'm sure the other guys will want to know what you have in the carb as far as jetting now, and some of the other stuff, temperature, altitude, etc.
I'll come back and post a few links to some carb stuff that does a heck of a lot better at splainin' than I can do...
http://twostrokemotocross.com/2009/12/carburetor-theory-and-tuning/There are five more pages here
http://www.kxriders.com/coppermine/index.php?cat=11045 Tuck\o/