Author Topic: 2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o  (Read 3165 times)

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2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o
« on: February 29, 2004, 04:54:07 PM »
Getting closer to riding time everyday here and thought I better freshen up my scoot BEFORE that time gets here..
Bike ran SUPER last year with over 6000 miles of everything from trials type riding to tight narly woods riding to high speed WOT powerlining and even some  highway jaunts!!  After I got the jetting/float level straight I didn't foul 1 plug all year - I did 5000 miles and NO plug fouling - AWESOME!!  Took the plug out today in the process of removing the topend and it is BEAUTIFUL chocolate brown!!  Hate to sound like a Kawasaki advertisement but after all the problems I had with my CR500's starting hard I had to BRAG this bike up!!!
Now for the rebuild questions..  Got the piston out and have a small amount of blowby with some very light scuffing.  Scuffing is mainly on the Exhaust side.  Port pattern on the piston is PERFECT as is color.  Noticed at the bottom of the Piston right where the skirt starts its downward taper - again on the exhaust side there is a line in the scuffing that could be procurser to a crack - is this common on the KX5's?  Jug looks GREAT and measures SUper with light ring lines - I am going to dingle berry hone it lightly to remove glaze and get a cross hatch back - OK?  KIPS rack and gears looked SUPER - a decarb and they will be fine.  Piston is marked with a "B" on top.  Did Kawasaki use different size pistons on these bikes (like an "A" and or "B" size?)?  ANy of you guys have good or bad experiences with Wiseco over stock?  I have heard the Forged pistons work better but I am VERY impressed with my stock piston for these hard ridden miles!!  I looked in my Wiseco book and it DOES NOT specify an "A" or a "B" piston - anyone have any input on this?  When I removed the jug I noticed some black stuff inside of my transfers and inside of the intake behind the reed cage.  It has a silicon rubber consistancy and I can scrape it out with my fingernail - almost like removing paint!!  Ever hear of this??  SHould I remove all of it (I plan on it anyway but thought I would ask!!
Sorry about the bunch of questions and ANY responses to ANY of them will be GREATLY appreciated!!!


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2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2004, 05:41:44 PM »
I've been told by all the parts counter guys AND a couple of Team-Green folk that you "Gets what ya Gets" when it comes to piston sizes ("A" v. "B"); However, you could go thru a couple of piston boxes at a Kawi shop and try your luck.

I haven't heard anything bad about the Wiseco's Or the Mahl's (For our friends in Euro-Land). I do know that, in both cases, you want to warm your motor up REAL GOOD(!) due to slower piston expansion with those brands (Forged). A good warm up is a good idea in stock form also, for that matter (I've made a few "Emergency Choke Activation" mistakes during -2-, yes...that's right , I said -2-! BITD races due to NOT warming up correctly...John ripped me a new one when I ran it across him AFTER the FACT!)

You might wanna ping "Rick", he's pretty knowledgeable and creative with this stuff.

I've been told by some builders that you shouldn't scuff or hone the Nikasil.

About rebuilds...look to see that the little "fingers" that stick out of the bottom of the barrel (Intake side?) aren't cracked/cracking. If they are you'll notice's a rare thing; but, it's happened.

Clean it and re-assemble with new parts.

On a personal note: I'd get a Pro-Circuit porting and "Head" job (No pun probably are into too much e-porn if you can't stop laughin'! :roll: ) :lol:

I'd, also, get a Pro-Circuit or FMF pipe while I'm at it. Some folks around here are real big on the "V-Force". I usually just put fresh Carbon reeds in (Snappy!).

I also do a quick break in ride with ATF, yes...ATF, when I put a new clutch in...which sounds like a good thing to do with all those miles.

A well packed silencer is also in order!

Good Luck,



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2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2004, 08:33:20 PM »
I havent had any problems running a weisco piston,but as Manny said warm the bike up.A weisco is forged and expands as it warms up versus a cast piston.Im amazed at the people I see who unload there bikes,fire it up and scream the piss out of it a few times and take off on there ride wide open.Manny has covered your other questions.


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2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2004, 06:37:37 PM »
Thanks you guys for the reply!  I really appreciate it! Manny, I am running a stock pipe with a Pro Circuit Spark Arrestor that is the Non Packable type - WORKS GREAT and is very quiet!  WHat carbon reeds do you use - are that usable in the stock cage or are you running a Rad Valve??  I just noticed that Pro-X has "B" pistons available - any thoughts on the durability of this brand??  I finally found some more info on the "B" designation and apparently the Japs use an A thru D system to size to - A smaller and D larger.  I think I may try and stay with the "B" size and go with Pro-X if no one has anything negitive to say about them..  Our Kawy dealer has NOTHING in stock to look thru and, you were correct, if I order I get what I get..
Thank again!


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2000 KX500 "B" piston, black stuff in ports and o
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2004, 04:31:02 PM »
You will be fine with either. I've heard noting but good about L.A. Sleeve/Pro-X. The reeds are made by Arai in Japan for stock cages.
