It Takes alot of guts to post up a story like that. K-Man Thank God, And you know it doesn't even matter if you believe in something greater ourselves or not...
Brother, I can assure you you are not alone.
The guys at work may call me Friar-Tuck now, however that doesn't mean I was always trying to walk the straight and narrow...
I'm not gonna blow smoke and tell you it's always going to be easy.
But when I look back at all the stupid descisions I made there was always a way out. Wether I was strong enough to do the right thing or not was the problem. The past is just that...PAST...Drop that rusty old anchor chain that is full of busted engine parts, broken promises, thorns, thistles, trash and half rotten carcass'. Just friggin Drop it and keep movin' on.
Make the tough descisions and stick with it, if you've made the turn about work for you for four years, you can
finnish it. Even if you have to buy another basketcase.
You can do it...We can Help... ( hey... that's catchy
