It is a nice bike, handles and rides extremely well compared to what we ride. It feels very underpowered to me, almost like a mini, You can really feel the powerband, but yet it has a wide one, make sense, not really but when compared to a 500... I think we get spoiled riding a bike with such a big spread of power, you can lug it down and rev it out, but on a smaller bike it seems you have to think about where you are rpm wise, mabye a finger on the clutch just in case you need to get some rpm... I see Service Kawasaki is building a KX500AFX for the woods, too bad they couldn't get a bigger tank and a wide ratio trans. And the price tag is quite high. I noticed they are using a 17 inch rear wheel, instead of the 18 inch. I just bought new rubber last week but mabye the next set I will splurge and get a rim/spoke kit and try out the 17 with a 140 section. I think the 120/90/19 rubber works pretty good compared to the shorter 130/70/19 stuff MX bikes use. Still I would like to try a 17 inch rear.