Author Topic: New Thumper  (Read 9588 times)

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New Thumper
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:01:49 AM »
My kid just picked his 04 KX250f up from the dealer here on Friday.  I read the other threads on the pricing problems and we didn't see it at the dealer up here (in Montana).  They sold 4 of them this past week, all for around $5,400.

I can't wait to give it a try.  I'll post here my impressions after I give it a shot.  Too bad the day he picked it up it dumped 2 feet of the cold wet white stuff and has been snowing on and off ever since.

If the kx450f is anything like the 250, thats what i will be getting....not that I will ever get rid of the kx5 :)


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New Thumper
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 03:53:25 AM »
thanks for the Private Message manny. kid is the one that bought the kx250f. I'll show him this post.  He did buy a FMF Factory 4 for it (against my urging). Why do you say not to waste any money on a new pipe?  The rags out there say (for the most part) that for the money, thats what will put the 250f in the same power league as the honda and yamaha 250 4 strokers.

He is already saving his pennies for the 2-piece cover (probably pro-circuit, but is leaning towards the boysen).

Where would he get a "1.6" rad cap, and what is it?

Break In Story:
First day out on it after running the "break-in" process (1/2 throttle for 20 minutes, 3/4 throttle for 40 minutes, change oil filter/oil/rad fluid) he actually BROKE it in.  Did an endo off a jump, bent the bars, crushed the left foot-peg, and scratched the hell out of the right side plastic.  Other than that, no damage to the bike.  He, on the other hand, broke is left collar bone, dislocated his right thumb, bunged up his right knee and a mild concussion on top.  No riding for at least 6 weeks.

On a high note, I got to ride it after his mom took him to the hospital and it was a blast.  This was my first experience on a thumper.  Loads of power (kind of like the k5) from the bottom through the top.  Very light to what I am used to and handles like a dream.  I didn't do any major jumping (thats saved for after he needs new bars, doh!), but when I get on it, it freakin goes.  I think that was why he wrecked it.  On his 125, you have to keep on it just to keep it in the powerband.  The tumper, just crack the throttle a bit and it moves.  He came around a corner in first, poured it on and by the time he hit the table top, he was in 4th gear and didn;t think he was going as fast as he was.

Anyway, thanks for the advise manny. I'll be sure to show the kid.



from manny:

1. Don't waste a single $ on a pipe.
2. "1.6" Radiator cap.
3. 2-Piece Oil Filter/Pump-Cover. Muzzys or Pro-Circuit. Only buy from someone who will ship same-day...hint.
4. RADIATOR Gaurds from Works Connection($59...they protect $400 Radiators...)
5. Don't waste $ on a pipe.
6. Change fork-oil after 10 hours.
7. Don't waste $ on a pipe.
8. Twin-Air "Flame-Proof" Filter kit/Remove Back-Fire Screen.
10. If you HAVE TO HAVE A d**n PIPE! Get one with a Spark-Arrestor that's "Removable". "Slip-On" at that. There are only TWO "head pipes" that're worth a d**n and only -1- of them is readily available (Pro-Circuit). There are a couple of other brands that have some really good pipes comin'...a hint...I get to test them...
11. I'll get the P/N for the Needle that makes these things perfect.
12. Don't let the radiators OR(!) the Engine get "Caked" with mud. Overheating these things is NOT GOOD.
13. S-H-I-F-T! Don't wait for the Rev-Limiter to kick about 100-200 rpm's before the limiter, the ignition retards about 14 degrees, once again, NOT A GOOD THING...doesn't help the motor stay cool. Oh, and yes...Ivan's motor DOES have a different ignition...something like it may be available soon from Muzzys.

These things are trick! They're kinda "Sensative"...just like a works bike!

Learn to ride it. It's different...kinda like a Super KDX220 motor in a KX 125SR (Works) Chassis with a "Sweet-Spot" in the power-band that requires you to keep it in the right gear.

Bubba will race it when he learns to stop stalling it/hot-start it!

Go have fun and ...don't waste your $ on a pipe


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New Thumper
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 02:08:50 PM »
Why "No" on the pipe?

For the "Average Rider" the stock bike puts it's power to the ground BETTER than the Blue and Red bikes. PERIOD. Remember, most of the magazine guys are doing "Hole-Shot" contests at LACR or Corona; Whereas your kid isn't. I've riden a lot of these things with A LOT of different pipes.

Changing the needle and adjusting the air screw is where the Power is at, not ot mention...Improved acceleration. Starting, too.

The "1.6" Cap is a 40% higher pressure rated radiator cap that doesn't let all your coolant blow out as easily (Too Easily) as the stocker. I think that they're stock on some Hondas or something. Your dealer should know.

BTW, the average racer can save a lot of money on doo-dads and get MUCH better starts by practicing his starts/technique. Heck, just don't stare at the gate and you'll get a better start. Use your peripheral (sp?) vision by looking at the ground about 10 feet in front of the gate and see how fast you respond compared to staring at the gate. When you stare at the gate you actually WATCH it fall and THEN your brain responds to it. When using your periphery, you respond to the motion of the gate, as it's FALLING!, almost immediately. You are actually using the same senses that cause you to be "startled" in "Fast Twitch".

Setting proper Static and Dynamic sag are real contributors to Hole-Shots, too.

How much faster would a rider be if he:
Spent $500 on Doo-Dads...OR...he spent $500 on a Weekend Seminar with Marty Smith?

Heck, I've got a neighbor harrasing other kids on his KLX110...and the other kids are on YZ and CR 80s!

I say,"Jet it, Take REAL good CARE of it, Do the Filter Trick and learn to ride faster". I'm of this opinion since seeing Bubba absolutely FLY on a Bone Stocker!


Offline Paul

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New Thumper
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 04:47:40 PM »
Manny, if it fits... the 1.6 is stock on the KX500


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New Thumper
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 04:30:14 PM »
DOH!-I just run what's on there. Yes, I'm an idiot. I think I spend to much time on those lil' Thumpers!



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New Thumper
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2004, 04:43:09 AM »
Hey Manny...I have heard (but not confirmed) that kawasaki is replacing the stock CDI box for another one.  Some sort of manufacturer defect.  Have you heard anything about it.  I was going to hop on down to the local kawi dealer tomorrow and see what they say.


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New Thumper
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2004, 10:52:03 AM »
I'll find out!



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New Thumper
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 11:32:23 AM »
I also have seen people talking about a recall on the Airbox/filter.  People are refering to the problems that the CRF450 had.  Something about a leaky airbox seal


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New Thumper
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 11:34:21 AM »
You need to pull the Air-Box apart to get rid of the Back-Fire screen, anyway. Then, re-asemble it the "Right-Way".



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New Thumper
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2004, 11:41:13 AM »
I read that the PC team isn't using the fire-resistant air filter.  Sounds kind of like a stupid thing to do.  i told the kid about it and he was wondering if he needs to order the TwinAir PowerFlow Intake System kit or just the filter thats fire resistance?

kit link:
filter link:


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New Thumper
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 04:33:58 PM »
You can do it either way. I've usually just modified the stock system and ran their filter.



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New Thumper
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2004, 07:37:11 AM »
sweet.  thanks again for all the help


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New Thumper
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2004, 02:26:30 AM »
Thought I would jump in on this thread.  Ben (who flat flys on a KX125, and can put the hurt to just about any kind of bike until he gets on a two track road where the little 125 runs out of gears) had the chance to ride a new stock KX250F.  I told him to take it easy...worked for about the first 2 minutes.  Since he has put a few hours in on my 500, the different power band was not a problem, and now all he talks about is getting a 250F, but he's on the 125 for one more year.

When we were out playing on the 250F, a few other folks were out taking it for a spin, and one particularly cocky "stud" motorcyle guy tried to climb a particularly difficult hill with several ditches and lot of sag brush.  Came back to the trucks and told the new owner that the "thing" didn't climb very well.  As you might imagine, this didn't make me real happy to see a dork bad mouth a mans new machine, so I sent Ben over to take another ride...specifically instructuted to take the same line up that nasty hill (which was easily visable from the trucks).  Well, the boy walked up the hill without a hitch, so I graciously pointed out that it must have been the rider that caused the climbing failure..either that or the 14 year old that was looking down from the top of the hill simply had a bigger package.   :lol:   Sometimes it's nice to be big so you can speak your mind.  Don't do it very often, just when someone really asks for it...

That 250F is simply a sweet bike.  Just don't know if I really want to work on a 4-stroke.

On the addition of trick parts, Manny is 100% correct.  Several years ago, my oldest was looking to switch bike sponsors, so approached a Honda shop.  Not sure of Matt's ability, they gave him a clapped out 1995 Honda CR250 (it was in the used bike section of the store) to race at the event the following weekend.  He brought the piece of crap home and asked me to make sure it would last the entire race.  I suggested we carve the plastic up and make it fit on a Kawasaki just to be safe, but he had something to prove.  We adjusted the suspension as best we could for a Honda, slapped on a set of Pro Taper bars, and took it to the race.  I made him park it behind some bushes until the race started so no one would know that ugly thing came in my van.  At the end of the event, he was second overall.  He would have won the race, but lost his fanny back, so turned around to retrieve it and lost the overall.  Learn to go fast first, and then add the trick stuff.  

Finally, Ben's 125 has Five non-stock parts.  1. A PC pipe only because he smashed the stock pipe or he would still be running it.  2. A heavier flywheel for the races in the trees. 3. A V Force reed cage because he wanted it for his birthday present (or he wouldn't have it).  4. Pro Taper bars I've had for 5 years.  5. A spark arrester cause I don't like tickets.  I expect he will win his first overall this year on a three year old, mostly stock KX125.  I just hope it holds together just one more year.

Enjoy the 250F.



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New Thumper
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2004, 02:41:40 AM »
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

 :shock: Rick has had Hondas in his Garage? :shock:

 :P  :P  :P



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New Thumper
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2004, 05:53:53 AM »
We kept the door closed, and tossed a blanket over the red machine during tansition from the van to the garage.  We assured all the other green bikes in the stable that the red machine was just visiting and just needed a little attention for ol' Doc Rick :lol:

By the way, I've even got a KTM 380 in the garage right now.  Needs new fork seals (yuk, I hate changing fork seals on conventional forks) and the wiring on the head light worked out.  She should be headed for home in a week or so, but I think the green machines are going to get jelous.  Maybe I shouldn't touch the KTM until after the first race just to be safe. :wink:
