The bike is acting just like they do sometimes if you let them sit too long. I pull in the clutch lever and it acts like the clutch is still engaged. I backed off the bolts on the clutch and pulled each plate apart until everything spun freely. Tightened up the bolts again and everything sticks. The clutch lever, arm, rod, and end piece all seem to move an adequate distance against the springs. I can see the clutch itself open up, but again, unless I actuall pull each plate apart and unstick it, it just locks up. I even over tightened the cable a bit to open up the clutch further with no luck. I've had clutches slip before, but never one stick like this. I just got the bike and am going through a lot of other problems, but this one is kinda at the top right now. The oil level was correct, but now the oil was just 10w 30, nothing fancy. Could it be I need a slicker oil? Any thoughts out there? I'm new to the group and this particular bike so I apologize if I missed this problem explained elswhere.