i can see me and everyone who has a newer than 86 500 fightin.and you can all watch out cos im bringing my handbag too.

i have done a lot of research into the differences between the 86 and others for parts and this is wot i found.
cases are supposedly 83-87 but only 86 & 87 have powervalve drive.
tranny shafts are 83-87. gears too.
86 piston is stand alone but later ones fit.
clutch is 83ish thru 86.a whole 88 on clutch CAN be fitted as a unit.
(you may have to adjust the length of your clutch pushrod)
side p/valves are like rocking horse s&%t.but mine are mint so i dont care.
one of the tranny shaft needle bearings is discontinued.
gaskets are all readily available,oil seals too.
86 thru 88 barrel are almost identical,although the 86 has superior port timing in my opinion.the 86 thru 88 heads are squarer and bulkier as jerry has already mentioned.And the 86 HAULS!!!!!h.t.h,kwakman.