Well had a good and bad day saturday .. We just got back out of the shop the wifes kx 125
I took it for a couple of spins up and down our road (Semi Private) it runs awsome .. and I added a couple of plastics to the 2002 kx ...
Now for the bad news

I got anxious to take the k5 out and get on her I let it warm up a little les than I usually do and she started smoking a little like she was loading up so I reved her up a little while to blow the smoke out ,,,,, i then let it idle while i put my helmet on and chest protection .. engaged the clutch went some 25 feet and she threw on the brakes and never barked again
the kick starter is froze up so im sure she is dead and gone ... I would like some info on maybe what I did wrong

If anything besides overreving and also I will be rebuilding her myself this time.. I am hoping it is just piston seized but that would be best case senario ... thanks alll .. and Jfab.. I am going to be getting a hold of you for a piston thanks ron