Author Topic: haire spray  (Read 2690 times)

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Offline b4himdude

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haire spray
« on: August 24, 2015, 10:58:02 AM »
got me a new game out in the desert. i do about 100% if my riding all alone. i get bored of the trails that have been made by previous riders and i make my own. any hill that has a shred of unridden ground i trench my own trail up it or beam  across it. even that after a while gets kinda monotonous... but yesterday i found a whole new fun on two wheels. a game i named haire spray. so there are an assload of jackrabbits where i live and ride. jackrabbits dont run all that fast ,but they do turn on a dime. i dont know what i was thinking when one jumped out if the brush yesterday and took off running. but i immediately hit the throttle and found myself in a 3 minute chase that covered probably about a mile in a 200 foot diameter. maybe more like 500 feet. but when you are chasing the little f@#ker at first it has \some juice to run a ways. but after if you can stay on his ass he starts trying to get to the next best brush and hide. well i really dont like to kill for the joy of killing,but i needed the "prize" for running it down. so when i got near enough and it was dead tired (i dunno five or ten feet)i shot it with a wide open roost of dirt. i covered that poor f@#cker. it was probably crying mud for who knows how long. but anyway its not the smartest thing to do to chase a rabbit trough the desert when you arent completely sure whats behind the next bush . i think next time ill go for another round of HAIRE SPRAY. BECAUSE ITS SUCH A RUSH.............
hell ,i,m so broke . if it cost a nickle to take a s**t, id have to puke.....

Offline alexander-vmann

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Re: haire spray
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 12:39:55 PM »
i've seen alot of dees mooses and cats around here, migth try this for myself :P
KX 500 newbie

my bike: 1993 kx500

Offline LukeG

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Re: haire spray
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 02:09:06 PM »
Foxes, rabbits, hares, kangaroos, wallabies, emus and wombats. I would love to see you play that game down under!  :-D
It sounds like fun, I do try to do it on my mountain bike.
1990 KX250 - Wanna be road racer!
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