I got the M5C going under its own power today. The carb got in yesterday, and was an almost direct bolt on. I didn't get a chance to do a ride video, as my test rider was busy with a swim party. I did get to ride it in a unique place. When I was a kid, my dad thought it would be funny to ride a dirt bike through our house. He enlisted my sister and me to hold the doors and he rode a Kawasaki 70 (or 90?) through the front door, down a set of three stairs, through the kitchen and out the back door. My sister and I were laughing our heads off, but needless to say Mom was not thrilled.

As I sat on the M5C today, I thought maybe this should be a tradition in the Umberto family. I opened the back door from the garage and had my son open the front door. We have tile from the front to the back, so I knew I wouldn't make too much of a mess. I gunned it and flew through the house. I hit the front porch, and realized I needed to get back in the garage some how. I turned her around and flew back through the house. I parked in the garage and came in to find my son dying laughing, and my wife nowhere to be found. She was at the store. Oh well, at least we thought it was funny.

I promise to get a ride video up this week. Probably not in the house though. I like sleeping inside.