Author Topic: Rear break modification ((( Good or Bad Idea )))  (Read 3661 times)

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Offline Just an old rider

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Rear break modification ((( Good or Bad Idea )))
« on: November 25, 2009, 03:41:23 PM »
  When I bought my kx 500 the bike had issues, one of which included a broken rear brake caliper..
  Me being anxious to ride went to my local kawasaki dealer an priced the part at 200+ .. My wife being
  the thrifty sort said we should check out our local bent bike shop...  there I found several brake calipers
  that were single piston but not the right bolt pattern then I spotted a nissin double piston caliper that the       
  bolt pattern lined up perfectly and hence I installed it and it works great to date ... My question ::: is it     
  going to be an unexpected problem not being a single pistion  ,, my front is a double pistion  so I assume
   the single piston is stronger??  I would like some  input hopefully from you guys thanks bunch   Ron                                                                                                                                               

Offline KXcam22

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Re: Rear break modification ((( Good or Bad Idea )))
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 05:16:35 PM »
Thats a good find!  If you can find out what caliper it is, post the bike it is from.  The two piston caliper is stronger, but in the rear brakes case it is not an issue because the braking power is mosly governed by the tiny master cylinder.  If for some reason you find you have too much brake you can easily shave the pads or cut grooves in the pad to reduce surface area.  Hope this helps. Cam.

Offline Dutch-K5 Fan

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Re: Rear break modification ((( Good or Bad Idea )))
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2009, 03:34:18 AM »
I just would like to have a better rearbrake(and front)!!

When riding on hardpack, mine rear brake gets hot some times.

Proud owner of a KX500AF

Offline Just an old rider

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Re: Rear break modification ((( Good or Bad Idea )))
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2009, 04:56:39 AM »
 Great news PHEW I guess I got lucky   ... All I know to date that it looks like my front brake but Gold in color  and it was in the kawasaki section of the store ,,,, It also had a twin.. so at first I thought it was a back brack and a front system all in one but it doesn't make sense so it might be off a quad ?? I will try to dig more info up and see if there is part # on it It seemed to work ok but I had nothing to compare to since  my bike had none to start with  :-D  Ps I did have to use the mounting bracket of my bike but it bolted right up and it does put the break line a little higher off the swing arm but not too bad .. I took a picture of the break and is the best I can do lll
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 08:17:01 PM by Just an old rider »