Author Topic: This will make your blood boil  (Read 4838 times)

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Offline martinfan30

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This will make your blood boil
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:31:01 AM »

Watch the 17 minute video at the bottom.
2000 KX500
2005 XR650L

Neither are stock, and both are great desert bikes.

Offline Viston

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 05:36:47 AM »
Looks like there are still allot of irresponsible people out there. It frosts me every time I go out to ride and find rouge trails, trash, irresponsible shooters etc. destroying public lands. It is because of these irresponsible few that give us all a black eye. :x

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2009, 08:32:44 AM »
i hate tree huggers for that reason i know you guys there in the US are losing a lot of land its only a matter of time before it comes north grrrrrr the vid wrecked my day
in thee begining man become of the dirt and in thee end he shall return to the dirt in the mean time we shall give him a kx500 and the dirt shall be his play ground

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2009, 08:39:21 AM »
The point is it's public land.  Last time I voted it made me feel like I was part of the public.  So we are talking about my land.  Take away my off road vehicles and I no longer get to enjoy the public (my) land anymore.  When I attend dual sport rallies we do 150 to 200 miles in a day.  I get to see allot of cool wilderness.  With my injured knee I would be lucky to travel 5 miles.  If they are truly "out for the environment" then they should work on shutting down NFL football.  Plop down a 200 acre stadium and see how many things get displaced.  The superbowl caused tons of pollution in the weeks leading up to and on the day of the superbowl, more than all the ATV's do in a year.  Think of all the vehicles,... promotion, vending, transportation, printing, television, news/talkshows.  Don't get me started on how the electricity was produced for the event.  I'm sure most of it was coal fired plants. How about the pollution televisions produce.  An old TV is a very toxic item.

I watched the whole film. If the people that were credited with photography, pooped in a toilet today and flushed it.  They caused more environmental damage than the street bike I put 50 miles on yesterday.

They only want foot traffic in the wilderness.  Let's say that's OK.  Don't you dare drive a car to get to that wilderness.  If you do you are a hypocrite.  And don't you dare go shopping, remember the saying "If you've got it a truck brought it".  We all know how much the trucking industry pollutes.

I consider myself an environmentalist.  When we make trails we go around the big tree we don't cut it down.  I don't trash.  When I leave, you only see tracks.  It's all a little give and take.  Walking trails cause erosion.  Nothing like ATV's but they do.  What about the people on foot, where did they park?  Oh, yea, at the 20 acre asphalt parking lot at the trail head.  ATV's don't displace elk and deer.  They will scare them out of site but as soon as you leave they come back.  I see deer all the time on the trails, and that's IN Oklahoma City.  Deer use the trails to run on.  People on foot scare the deer more than a dirt bike.

Environmental wacko's,
1  Poop all over the wilderness causing damage.  We all know they are not going to walk 40 miles back to the trail head to poop.
2  They drive and park cars at all the wilderness areas displacing habitat and animals.
3  They buy stuff and live in houses and apartments that causes environment damage that can never be repaired.
4  They breathe in oxygen and expel CO2 a known green house gas.

To summarize:  Environmental wacko's are a threat to life on planet Earth.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 10:11:03 AM by Danger4u2 »
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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 08:50:31 AM »
Took the words right out of my mouth, Danger.  The problem with people like this is that there is no room for an opposing point of view.  I am all for some lands being set aside so that the 'peace and quiet' types can get theirs, but there is enough for us to have some too.

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 08:54:37 AM »
Took the words right out of my mouth, Danger.  The problem with people like this is that there is no room for an opposing point of view.  I am all for some lands being set aside so that the 'peace and quiet' types can get theirs, but there is enough for us to have some too.

There is more than enough.  Your right.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 11:00:48 PM by Danger4u2 »
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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 09:31:39 AM »
In my riding areas, the huge erroded areas are all from large herds of cows passing thru and not even bikes. Cam.

Offline tharden

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2009, 10:54:08 AM »
This is a big problem where I live.  I have no public land to ride on in my state.  All public lands have cut out motorized vehicles and my kx500 does not get any slack.  Our lake is 15 feet down right know and if you get caught on the bank where the water should be you get a ticket.  That is what bugs me, because they think those waves that man controls with the man made lake do not erode the banks?

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2009, 10:16:51 PM »
you guys may have no complains actually  :wink:
we here in this little midgetcountry where every track is destined to be closed down ..
if not now then soon after..
all the treehuggers did managed to close all ..i repeat all public land for ages allready,
so when the mx tracks go there,s nothing left  :x

only hope for us here is the electric dirtbike :-o
since its becoming more&more accepted ,people forsee a huge expand of these kinda bikes..
no polution,no NOISE ,no complaining anymore from all the anti forces.

oke ,its future ,and i hope far away but it will come through one o these cummin years.

ow i saw the whole vid ,and it,s a very insinuating piece of crap.
showing riders slammin through grave yards ,wtf i bet there,s not a single rider outthere ,
that would have the stupid guts to violate such a peacefull quiet place :?
for sure i wouldn,t  :|

Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline Larry Gude

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2009, 03:32:13 AM »
Like it or not, the ONLY effective solution is to become politically active to retain a place at the table. It's a simple as e mailing, regularly, local, state and federal politicians and voicing your opinion. Regular donations, perhaps once a quarter, even if it's only $10, are also the life blood of advocacy. Encourage others to participate as well.

This isn't a 'D' or 'R' issue. Talk to pols of all affiliations. If you post on here 10 times, how much more effort is it to send 1 e mail to you local reps, CC'd to your state and federal reps?

Action doesn't guarantee results we'll all be happy with. Inaction guarantees results we won't be happy with.

Good job, Martinfan!   

Offline maddoggy

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2009, 06:06:20 AM »
here's a really bad quote from the wacko organization in question. mind you, these are their words not mine.

"Several negative impacts are common with all thrillcraft whether personal water craft (jet skis), dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles or any other motorized vehicles used primarily for off highway travel is that they operate with two-stoke engines. These engines utilize a combination of oil and gas and discharge as much as 30% of the mixture directly into the air, land and water. Containing both cancer causing and toxic chemicals these emissions pollute the air, and are potentially harmful to both plants and animals."

30% of the fuel/oil mixture coming out of the exhaust pipe?????? wouldn't that be so rich of a mixture that the engine would hardly run????

danger posted up some very good comments. tree huggers live in houses made of the same wood that they don't want cut down----well, that appears hipacritical. environmentalists want no motorized vehicles used for recreation, those same environmentalists use airplanes, trains, buses, or their own personal car suv or truck to get them where they want to go to have a relaxing vacation. those vehicles use fuel and produce exhaust too---well, that appears hipacritical too. i could go on and on and on. every one of us works in a field, no matter what it is, that produces pollution of some sort, but you can't tell me that God created an Earth for us to use that can't handle the stresses of every day life. i don't approve of land or air abuse of any kind, but every day responsible use of this Earth must happen or life itself will cease, period. I LIKE TO PLAY, AND I HAVE FUN ON MY BIKES AND ATV'S BUT I DON'T GO AROUND TEARING UP THE LAND I RIDE ON. MOST OF THE PEOPLE I SEE WHILE OUT RIDING ARE NOT TEARING STUFF UP EITHER. i could probably count on one hand the amount of riders i've seen abusing their privledge to ride on "OUR" land.         MADDOGGY
« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 04:21:34 AM by maddoggy »

Offline havoc raceing

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2009, 05:15:30 AM »
they make a good but we arent as bad as they say i mean look at loggers and oil drillers like down here in new mexico they designate areas for ridding and the forest service rags on ya if you are just ripping around the forrest but they dont ticket you or nothing

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2009, 02:30:00 PM »
 All good comments from a more realistic point of view. In southern AZ there is lots of state and ranch land that we can ride on all day long and not see another human. I understand that all the nation s not like this. The bark lovers don't care, and it is impossible to talk sense into then, so don't try. Lead by example and tread lightly. If someone is doing something stupid, than call them on it. If you see the local Forest Ranger or BLM guy, take the time to stop and say Hi. These guys are caught in the middle. Besides, you can get lots of good info from them.

Offline ID KX500

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2009, 04:02:10 PM »
Blood is squirting out my eyes,,"Long Term Strategies: Ban Thrillcraft",,   Please all who can join BLUE RIBBON COALITION at They will never shut down responsible use of public land if we stay organized.

"Endeavor to persevere."

Offline ID KX500

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Re: This will make your blood boil
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2009, 10:02:42 AM »
Blood is squirting out my eyes,,"Long Term Strategies: Ban Thrillcraft",,   Please all who can join BLUE RIBBON COALITION at They will never shut down responsible use of public land if we stay organized.

A follow-up story on this topic:

The author of the website and a book called Thrillcraft came to Idaho to visit yesterday and today. I went to the two events held in Pocatello. A long story short,,,with a very articulate representative from THE BLUE RIBBON COALITION on a panel of guests including Land Managers the Forest, BLM, IdahoParks&Rec, Fish&Game, enviro-waco, and the author George Wuerthner another enviro-waco.
Unlike his website and book he had to admit we are doing things right here in Idaho. It was about half and half recreationist and environmentalists in the small crowd. It came off in my opinion shining a very positive light on BRC and responsible use of public lands. One major point is that, everyone needs to be actively reminding anyone they see abusing areas to stop. Self policing is the best way to handle,,,as law enforcement is already overwhelmed, and underfunded. Also,,, close relationships with Land Managers of your favorite areas is a huge benefit,,,when the "HALL MONITORS" like George Wuerthner try to win approval,,, if we are trying to make their jobs easier and letting them know of our concern for responsible use, and good deeds (trail clearing/cleaning) we look like good citizens not OUTLAWS. This is what BRC is built on. 

Once again if Public Land is where you ride "THE BLUE RIBBON COALITION" is a friend indeed.

"Endeavor to persevere."