Author Topic: my cluch will not work  (Read 2383 times)

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Offline turtle22

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my cluch will not work
« on: December 01, 2009, 02:16:29 PM »
hey everyone,been a while. life has been super busy,but im back :-D
so i was riding the other day and my cluch started to stiffen up on me(got hard to pull the handle in). by the time i got back to the truck,the leaver would barely move. when i got home,i took of the works fine. so it has to be in the cluch itself. ive never tore it to that part of the bike. any help? ideas? thxs. ive missed u u kx500freak&hillclimb,made some good videos while i was gone:)
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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: my cluch will not work
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2009, 09:52:46 PM »
Glad to see you back with us. It sounds like your clutch basket is notched/grooved up causing the fiber plates to hang. This should be a job you can do with out to much fuss & if need be I can take pictures & forward as I have the motor torn down now.

Hope it helps
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: my cluch will not work
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 11:28:38 AM »
 I have not had that one. I did have the ridges on the basket which did make it a little harder and not so smooth on the engagement, but it sounds like it could be more. I would pull the cover and start working it and try to see whats going on. The deal that the cable mounts to on the motor comes right out with the cable off. It uses a flat spot on a round pin to push the clutch rod over. If it wears the corner off, its causes problems. If for some reason the rod gets bent or, the clutch cover gets smashed, it can cause issues. One time I smashed the brake pedal into the cover and it made a real loud rattlin noise every time I pulled the clutch in. It wasn't hard to pull in, but probably wasn't far off.
  "Never been in there", well, you won't be able to say that anymore. Might as well inspect clutches and steels and all that. If that basket is all ridges, Hinson replacement is the way to go. Way smooth after dealing with ridges.
  I have a couple more vids posted up too. You're lucky to get out there and wear it out, mine have been parked too long.

Offline turtle22

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Re: my cluch will not work
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 12:46:02 PM »
where would i find a walk thru guild for tearing in to the cluch? if i had pics  or a guild i know i can do it,just hate "pull stuff off & remember where it goes"methode :? thxs guys. Hill i will check the vids out,im sure there of u winning :-D the race.
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: my cluch will not work
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2009, 01:28:49 PM »
Its just like 6-10mm bolts that hold the springs and pressure plate and then one big nut that holds the basket on, but you only need to take that off, to replace it if it has bad ridges. Its not that bad, really. I set it all down in the cover as i take it apart and stack it in order, but its not many parts to get confused.

Clymer walks you through pretty much everything. Even has the pictures and exploded views with arrows pointing to the part they describe. Written in order of disassembly thats easiest. Its worth the 20-30 bucks that they cost.

Nah, I always miss the best rides. Put together a music vid for a local metal band that you might dig. With us hillclimbing and some crashes.

Offline turtle22

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Re: my cluch will not work
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2009, 02:58:31 PM »
that was a good vid on the how to(pretty much like doing my harley),but if the cluch fiber had wore out, would it not slip all the time? i cant squeeze the cluch in.could that have some thing to do with the rod that moves the cluch basket. im going to tear into it on monday. its on the 1989,does the whole side(including water pump) have to come off?

Hill sweet vid. i like some of the u REALLY need to come out here(cali) and ride carnegie. u would fall in love :-)
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