Author Topic: Lighting coil  (Read 11043 times)

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Lighting coil
« on: February 02, 2004, 10:30:31 AM »
Because of a manufacturing error, I have not been able to find a lighting coil to save my life and the manufacturer does not know when they will make a new batch.  Next step, turn to you guys.  Does anyone have an old lighting coil laying around they would part with?  I have everything else I need but the dang coil.



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Lighting coil
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2004, 08:31:52 AM »
How about Ricky Stator...? Never used the guy, but his ads have been in MX mags for years...


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Lighting coil
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2004, 01:46:38 AM »
Nope, tried him too, but thanks for the thought.  Manny is checking to see if there are any used coils laying around where he travels, so hopefully I will have a juice to make the light shine soon.




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Lighting coil
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2004, 07:41:48 AM »
If your that hard up just spend the extra cash for the E-Line....200watts!


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Lighting coil
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2004, 10:19:56 AM »
Hey rick.... i bought one from electrex usa.  Installed it but it doesnt seem to work.  Is that the one u tried?  It looked kind of thick to me.  The holes didnt line up but i fixed it with drill bit.  (or should we say broke it)


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Lighting coil
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2004, 02:36:02 AM »
Yup, the manufacturing error resulted in a lighting coil that was so thick that the flywheel could not be reinstalled.  I'm still waiting on an answer from Electrex on when the correct part will be manufactured.

On the extra cash for the 200 Watt unit, don't want to approach this Mrs. with that option yet, as I still have not solved the lighting problem on my son's KX125.  Don't want to buy a coil at $189 for a bike I will sell at the end of 2004, so he will probably just be running a rechargable battery on the 125.  I'm only looking to help get back to the van if we stay out too late, so the light only needs to work for an hour or so, which is why the rechargable battery might work out just fine.  I plan to only run one of the 35 watt bulbs on his system, so should not draw much juice.  Now all I need is a suitable sealed battery.

With this post, I was hoping to find someone with a used lighting coil laying around.  It appears that my only hope is Manny.



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Lighting coil
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2004, 09:27:17 AM »
Moose and Steahly sell lighting coils for the 500,not sure if there made by Electrex or not.Did you also try Baja Designs?As far as the 125, Steahly has a lighting kit that runs off the coil to run the power jet carb,not real bright but itll get you home.Or get a battery and charger from Wal-Mart that powers the kids rideable plastic toys,12 or 6volt, and rig one up.


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Lighting coil
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2004, 04:13:35 AM »

Thanks for the update.  Unfortunately, all of the KX500 coils are made by Electrex, so they are all bad.  You are 100% on the money on the battery, but that is the last resort.  However, once I get the lighting coil worked out, I might add a small rechargable battery to provide better lighting at idle.

Also, on the 125, since a power jet carb was not used on the 2002 KX125, the kit that runs off the power jet carb for the KX250 will not work.  I tested the CDI on the KX125 last week, and found DC voltage, but only 5 volts.  Unfortunatly, I don't believe DC voltage can not be stepped up with a transformer like AC voltage can, so out of luck on using the stock ingition system.

My current thought is to just wind my own lighting coil.  I have an old KX500 stator coil and have removed the wire.  Tonight, I will rewind the coil with 14 guage solid copper wire, all in the same direction.  This should give me DC voltage, but not sure if I will have enough voltage or wattage.  As long as the voltage is great than 12 volts, the regulator will control the additional volts, so I just need to get to 12 volts or above.  I will probably have to rewind the coil plate a couple of times to get the correct wire length/gauge, and might have to use a diode if I can't get DC voltage.

On the 125, the stator has lots of extra lugs, so once I figure out the wire length and gauge for the 500 I can then just insulate a couple of lugs on the 125 stator and wrap on the wire (again making sure I wrap all the same direction).  I'll let everyone know how this experiment turns out, and will keep good notes on wire length and gauge in case someone wants to duplicate the process.  If there are any electornics folks out there than can provide some guidance, it would be great.  I'm just an old gear head that knows a little about a lot of different things, so not affraid to experiment.

This is the kind of stuff I love.


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Lighting coil
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2004, 09:07:57 PM »
Although I have a lighting coil on my bike (Electrex) I don't have a spare untill I get a newer flywheel and E-line accessories fancy expensive jobbie :(

Untill I get that sorted I still need mine despite the fact that it could'nt power a glow worms arse :roll:


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Lighting coil
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2004, 09:15:26 PM »
Quote from: Rick
I'll let everyone know how this experiment turns out, and will keep good notes on wire length and gauge in case someone wants to duplicate the process.

As far as I can remember from doing Magnetic particle weld inspection years ago the main thing to get right is the number of turns of wire.

I seem to remember seeing a website with info on winding your own bike coils a while ago so I will see if I can ratch it out and post it on here for you


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Lighting coil
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2004, 03:07:23 AM »

I had not thought of looking on the web for rewinding information, but after reading your post, took a look.  I found a couple of sites with worthwhile information, so should be headed down the right road now.  I will be buying a roll of copper magnet wire tomorrow, and hopefully wraping my coil by the weekend.  If it works, I will be wrapping the extra lugs on the 125 so the boy can run his light as well.  Also, I will post a new thread just in case anyone is interested in duplicating the process.  The only question yet unanswered is should I use 20 gauge or 18 gauge.  I have posts with both suggestions, so may end up wrapping the coil twice as a test.

Thanks for the input.  Ya gotta love this trial and error stuff.  And heck, I'm going to learn something to boot...



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Lighting coil
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2004, 06:04:17 AM »
Im interested in how it turns out.


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Lighting coil
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2004, 03:28:15 PM »
I got a rickystator on mine, picked up at his shop. If you can get one its worth the wait.


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Lighting coil
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2004, 05:20:28 AM »
It seems that 300 turns would probably be adequate, but I finished off at 314 turns.  I also had to use 20 guage wire in order to get enough turns.  If I had room, I would have wrapped as many as 340 turns, as I am using a voltage regulater to control spikes.  With what I have, I can light a 35 watt halogen without any trouble, but when I connect 2 bulbs for 70 watts, it's pretty dim at idle.  I have elected to install a switch so I can change from one light to another in case I have a bulb failure.  However, if you purchase a handlebar switch with a high/low setting, you can access two bulbs at higher RPMs, and just one at idle.

This was a real learning experience, but well worth the time.  Also, if I had it to do over again, I would not purchase the UFO, but rather the Acerbis plate, as they are better built and worth the extra money.  They also have a cover over the lense.

Let me know if you have more questions.



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Lighting coil
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2004, 06:41:39 AM »
Rick, If you have time Id like to read one of your helpful step by step write ups on how you did your lighting coil as Im sure everyone else would to.Thanks.