Author Topic: Beat this  (Read 2852 times)

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Offline GreenMachine

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Beat this
« on: February 01, 2004, 06:18:27 PM »
Ok, thursday was my birthday, and all I wanted was to go to the dunes. Got my bike all ready to go.  My brother and I left friday after he got off work. Got to Glamis around 7:30pm. My brother and all his friends had quads so they were going for a night ride. While they were gone, I decided I would gas up my bike and get all my stuff ready for the morning. I wanted to check out my jetting  so I rolled slowly a couple times through and then one good kick. Fired right up. Ran it for about 3 or 4 minutes shut it down checked my coolant level and decided  it was time for a beer. When all my brothers friends got back they wanted to hear my bike. I told em I didn't want to get up and start it again. So my brother was thats ok, he would do it for me. He kicked it a couple of times and nothing happened. He said there was no compression. I said no way, I had just started it. So I went to check out what he considered no compression.  He was right, it felt like I had taken the spark plug out. No prob I thought, get a new ring on saturday and would be riding by noon. Well just a note here, if any one knows any of the venders out at glamis tell them to get some KX500 parts. I tried every vender, Imperial Valley Cycle Center and a couple race shops they sent me to. The bike shop should have had the piston kit, it was on the computer, but couldn't be found in the shop. So I headed back to camp with my case of beer. Drank a few and went to bed. Came home on Sunday and some one had stolen my wife's and daughter's bikes. Left my tool box on the front of my trailer and broke my tail light on my truck. But I did snap a few pictures. I wanted to share this one. Oh for any one in the Phoenix area, My wife's quad is a 2001 bear tracker. The front plastic was off of it when it was stolen, didn't take that. My kid's bike is a JR80. Its missing a rear fender. If any one sees any thing matching the description I would like to hear about it. Oh, here is the picture, and yes that is my dead beast in the background.

Could it get worse?
Even the mightiest of oaks was once just a crazy nut that stood its ground.


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Beat this
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2004, 08:43:30 PM »
Man why do people do that?Get a job,buy your own,respect other peoples property.Hope they are caught and Happy Birthday!


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Beat this
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2004, 02:18:31 AM »
Sorry to hear about that nightmare.  Beautiful pic though!

Offline GreenMachine

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Beat this
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2004, 10:56:58 AM »
Hey mike, that picture was taken with a palm clix digital camera that I bought on ebay for less than $30 for shipping and everything. Take 640x480 pics. 52 of them compressed or 26 uncompressed. I cannot really tell the difference in the quality. That pic was on compressed mode.
Even the mightiest of oaks was once just a crazy nut that stood its ground.


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Beat this
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2004, 04:27:19 PM »
Looks good,I got the information you posted earlier about it and decided that since it worked for you to buy a similer one at Wal-Mart the nekt day.It's a VGA pencam for less than $30.00 and I'm happy with it,posted some pictures from it in the ride section of a ride on my trials bike.