This is a bike here local a guy has on craigslist, well has had on there for a while trying to sell it...
I have chewed him down to $1000... money I have but shouldnt spend (looking to buy a house in the next 5months)
I checked all the numbers, the frame is one of bultacos "street legal" bikes from 1971. so getting a license plate here in CA will be no problem (insert evil laugh here)

Motor is a VERY worked over el bandito motor (360cc with reeds, big compression etc)...
Tempting, very tempting.... But I need another bike like a hole in the head...
Trying to convince myself to sell another project for this one that runs drives and has fresh motor (so he says, every 2s for sale seems to have a "fresh motor")...
always thought it would be neet to have a road going Flat track bike
So... Oppinions??