I have a GPR unit on mine that was there when I bought it. Do these things need to be serviced? I see no leaks... It seems to have gotten softer since I bought it, but maybe I',m just used to it?
Are you saying you set it on a number and it feels like it's getting softer? I thought the stabilizers are good until they leak.
I change the setting to the type of terrain and or the speed I'm going.
In one of the motorcycle magazines I get they were giving people a hard time about calling them dampers.
I've always called them steering dampeners, I found there is no such word. Dampeners:The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. They should be called a steering stabilizer.
Scott, the brand I use, calls them steering stabilizers. But if you look around on their web site they call them dampers also.
It's kind of like a Crescent wrench, we all know what it is but there actually called adjustable pliers.
Main Entry: damp?er
Pronunciation: \ˈdam-pər\
Function: noun
Date: 1707
1 : a dulling or deadening influence <put a damper on the celebration>
2 : a device that damps: as a : a valve or plate (as in the flue of a furnace) for regulating the draft b : a small felted block to stop the vibration of a piano string c chiefly British : shock absorber
3 Australian : a simple usually unleavened bread of a kind made originally in the Australian bush
Main Entry: 3damp
Function: adjective
Date: 1590
1 a archaic : being confused, bewildered, or shocked : stupefied b : depressed, dull
2 : slightly or moderately wet : moist <a damp towel>; also : humid <damp weather>
synonyms see wet