Where is the "Red Princess" as of late?
Oh, that's right...they're all at the Vatican praying that R.C. will change his mind.
Hey, Princess...
Honda BUYS them!
Bring that up at your next little "Red-Riders" meeting down at the WannaBe Bar.
BTW, Princess, I'm always available for one of your Infamous Riding Lessons...after all...I'm just an Old Man on a slow bike...
Here's the offer: I'll split the freight to bring your P.O.S., ain't been sold since '01, Red Wannabe, ain't got no Support Program, "Gee Mom, why's Ricky leaving?"-CR500 (Oh, God, please let it be an AF!) and we'll enter the "Open Class" on Saturday at the Hang-Town National!
Furthermore...Fast-Guy Honda Wannbe...we'll post some video...what'ya say?
Me: 40, old...slow KX rider.
You: Red Rider tough guy who's sure to beat me!
I'm game!