Author Topic: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !  (Read 16112 times)

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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« on: February 23, 2003, 12:18:46 AM »
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:

Offline Paul

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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2003, 02:19:59 AM »
I see ANOTHER jealous Honduh buyer has stuck his head in here. On the track is the only place that iron sleeved sieze queen has ANY chance. Drag that ancient relic - read all the technology of a goped engine - out to the desert or any other wide open space, where real bikes live, and get ready to have your a$$ handed to you :lol:
Quote from: Redrider55
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:

On another note, this is a board for KX information and it's obvious you are seriously lacking in that respect. Any and all inflamatory posts will not be tolerated and will result in the post being deleted, the account being deleted, and your IP being banned. This is your only warning.


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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2003, 09:51:27 AM »
Quote from: KX500
Any and all inflamatory posts will not be tolerated and will result in the post being deleted, the account being deleted, and your IP being banned. This is your only warning.
SMACK! Bwahahaha


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No offense meant
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2003, 10:03:26 AM »
:cry: Heck I must have hit an exposed nerve ! I am sorry to have offended any of you KX boys ( NOT ). As far as inflammatory remarks go, you seem to be able to dish it out (where real bikes live, and get ready to have your a$$ handed to you ) but can't take a bit of ribbing. I usually go to the CR 500 site and we get hammered from all types and take it in stride. I know this is a site for your type of bike and I am interested in all types of big bore MXers.
As far as you banning me from your site...............well do what makes you feel good cause riding that pile of green crap apparently doesn't tough guy.

My only warning is I hope you never show your sorry ass here in REAL MX country.................North Florida.

CRs Rule, I know it, you know it.

Nuff said. :lol:

Offline alan

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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2003, 10:04:16 AM »
Quote from: Redrider55
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:
Sounds to me like the KX needs a little tune up :lol: MY 87 YZ490 eats Honda's :evil:
Sand - Dirt - Dunes = Fun
       04- 700V - 01- KX500
        08 TeryX 2012 KX450F

Offline Paul

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Re: No offense meant
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2003, 11:42:05 AM »
Another keyboard commando
Quote from: Redrider55
:cry: Heck I must have hit an exposed nerve ! I am sorry to have offended any of you KX boys ( NOT ). As far as inflammatory remarks go, you seem to be able to dish it out (where real bikes live, and get ready to have your a$$ handed to you ) but can't take a bit of ribbing. I usually go to the CR 500 site and we get hammered from all types and take it in stride. I know this is a site for your type of bike and I am interested in all types of big bore MXers.
As far as you banning me from your site...............well do what makes you feel good cause riding that pile of green crap apparently doesn't tough guy.

My only warning is I hope you never show your sorry ass here in REAL MX country.................North Florida.

CRs Rule, I know it, you know it.

Nuff said. :lol:


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Whats for breakfast ?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2003, 04:06:29 PM »
I Like Your comments Red Rider, I would have thought that a Ferrari would eat a ford Pinto for Breakfast for Sure, But You're Comparing 2 of the fastest Dirt Bikes on the Planet here , and when mentioning them in the same Breath should be Nothing but Complimentary........I have One of each and when Push comes to Shove I prefer the K for my Type of Riding and the Tracks I Ride on. Seeing Hows my '01 CR is still new and Unridden I dont have a Lot of Choice, thats How!
I Do get the Odd Ride on my Buddys '99 CR and its a Good Bike to Be sure, Fast as Hell and Those Brakes!!! The KX is faster though, not by much but takes longer to be slower, but not by much.And he agrees with that too.

I've seen the Larrys Site , and Can't but smile at the Vehemence Given to KX500's by some Correspondents. Given that Honda Stopped
making their 500 2 Years ago shows how much Loyalty they've showed to people like you.

I'm glad you made your Comments riled some people up, either youre being tricky and tongue in Cheek, or a little more than Dumb and should'nt be taken seriously ! Which is exactly as I Read it.

Cheers, Mark

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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2003, 06:21:44 AM »
Quote from: Redrider55
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:

Did you come to look through the For sales section?
or has your bike nipped up and you have some spare time on your hands while you wait for a new piston  :wink:

Mind I have heard that the CR is better for those who have shorter legs so perhaps that is what you want.

Happy riding

Regards :D


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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2003, 12:07:56 AM »
Quote from: Redrider55
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:

Well Red, I have to tell you that youre very wrong about that!

I hate it also as I own a 1987 YZ490 and just last weekend I visit my good frend Alan that owns both a YZ490 and a KX500, I also rode a XR650, CR250 and there was even a guy out there with a Band New CR500... I think it was a 2001?? Said he picked it up in Houston at Stubbs Cycle. Well in short the KX500 will beat the s**t out of a YZ490 and to be honest with you I think the YZ490 will run side by side with the CR500.

Just do what I'm going to do... save up and buy both! But dont knock the KX500 as you will have to eat your words one day (like me). :)

Maybe your friends just suck and cant ride???


Offline gowen

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Re: My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2004, 04:18:42 PM »
Quote from: Redrider55
Hello everyone !
Thought I would check out this new site and stir a liitle bit of crap with all of you Green meanie riders. I have a couple of friends that ride KXs and they are good bikes from what I see. The 250 my pal rides is OK but has a very narrow powerband. The other guy rides on your so called "Monster" the KX 500 , a 1998 I believe. Nice bike but sorry guys, my Honda CR 500 will eat him alive on any track here in North Florida . Both are stock and we are very equal in riding ability.I also read in another post about Maxima 927 gumming up things, well I have used it for years both in my CR and the old MAICOs I raced and never had a problem. What does a power valve do ? Sure doesn't make the KX 500 any faster. My CR doesn't have one and does just fine. :lol:

It's kinda cute to watch people come in and try to say, my girl is hotter, my bike is faster, crap. But, pushing coming to shove, I will be in FL soon, post me an address, I can toss the 'ol KX into my truck too.

What you say? MX or Drag. You name it.


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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2004, 09:01:06 PM »
One thing I like about the KX riders on this site is we dont talk crap we cant back up!So if you cant say anything constructive dont say anything at all!Theres other web sites with people like you,try one of them.


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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 06:53:26 AM »
Only thing your CR eats is dirt from other KX's :) *just my 2 cents.


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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2004, 01:47:21 PM »
Where is the "Red Princess" as of late?

Oh, that's right...they're all at the Vatican praying that R.C. will change his mind.

Hey, Princess... :roll:


Honda BUYS them! :twisted:

Bring that up at your next little "Red-Riders" meeting down at the WannaBe Bar.

BTW, Princess, I'm always available for one of your Infamous Riding Lessons...after all...I'm just an Old Man on a slow bike...

Here's the offer: I'll split the freight to bring your P.O.S., ain't been sold since '01, Red Wannabe, ain't got no Support Program, "Gee Mom, why's Ricky leaving?"-CR500 (Oh, God, please let it be an AF!) and we'll enter the "Open Class"  on Saturday at the Hang-Town National!

Furthermore...Fast-Guy Honda Wannbe...we'll post some video...what'ya say?

Me: 40, old...slow KX rider.

You: Red Rider tough guy who's sure to beat me!

I'm game!

Manny :twisted:


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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2004, 03:01:59 PM »
GEE, I wonder where little red riding cr went? Manny, I would be glad to help with some fuel for the hangtown match. That is if little red is up to it.  Which does he have Big Mouth or Big right wrist. You guys are great, Love the site.


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My Honda CR 500 eats KX 500s for breakfast !
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2004, 11:56:35 PM »
:lol: Sticks and stones may break his bones...BUT a KX5 will rip him a new a$$