Author Topic: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick  (Read 9584 times)

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Offline DoldGuy

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2009, 04:25:34 AM »
Lewis And Crew tested that RM250 in this months issue. They had some positive remarks, BUT, they did NOT report of an 18% increase in power, which I am sure they would have if it was there.
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Offline azracer19

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2009, 04:37:18 AM »
I got info from the website did you read?

Offline DoldGuy

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2009, 09:13:45 AM »
Yes, I did read. I am very optimistic concerning big increase in numbers as stated, but I will be first in line to spend the money if it works. If you look at the dyno sheet, it shows the 2008 RM250 only producing 37.94 hp before (all info I have read & seen that bike makes 44 Plus stock) & an after of 43.01 hp. It could just be the dyno (I know not all dynos read the same) but I think that is a very large difference in numbers (I would think a clapped out RM would make at least 38 RWHP). I am not trying to be Negative, just very skeptical as alot of Companies Claim big numbers that they can not produce, just ask KX560 about his experience with such Company (If memory serves me "It made a Case Splitting 61 HP")
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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2009, 10:08:20 AM »
spend your money on a... pet rock..   


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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2009, 10:13:00 AM »
i should not respond that frankly, but i think the turbo crank idea is a gimmick , not a power gain  .

Offline kaw rider

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2009, 11:06:16 AM »
Up here they have a turbo class for sleds. They have been turboing 2 stroke sled motors for 20 years.

Offline BDI

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« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2009, 11:29:06 AM »
I found and article and supercharged two-strokes it seems a company has a patient on it , but im sure that dosent mean we cant do it ourselves, especially if the results they advertise are true. here is what theay say
Forced Induction Crankshafts
A patented modification for all two stroke applications!
Dirt Bikes, Snowmobiles, Personal Watercraft, ATV's, Chainsaws, and more!

The Parris Racing Concepts forced induction crankshaft modification works by cutting veins into the crank halves of the crankshaft. The veins are cut at specific angles into one crank half, and then a mirror image is cut into the other crank half. As the crankshaft spins, these veins pick up the fuel/oil mixture inside the crankcase. A process called flow dynamics then routes the fuel/oil mixture down the veins where it is directed at the transfer ports of the crankcase. When the engine enters its intake stroke, the extra fuel/oil mixture is pulled into the cylinder. The flow dynamics affect also atomizes the fuel/oil mixture in a way that allows a cleaner, more complete burn inside the combustion chamber.

The PRC forced induction crankshaft modification will work on any two stroke engine, i.e.; snowmobiles, dirt bikes, quads, jet skis, and even chainsaws.  We modified a 2008 Suzuki RM250. It was found to gain 15.74% percent in HP and 18% in torque. Below is a comparative dyno showing the stock vs. mod results. The PRC modification produces enough torque that it has nearly eliminated the power band. A motor with a PRC, Inc. forced induction crankshaft pulls as hard all the way through the RPM range as a stock motor does once it hits its power band. Therefore, the modified machine gets to top speed faster than any stock machine currently available.
I declare shenanigans! This is something that has been drummed up time and again over the years and has been disproved to work time and again.
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Offline oic0

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2009, 04:32:24 AM »
Last I heard the weight reduction of the crank makes your seat of the pants dyno think you have more horsepower but in actuality it isn't spinning fast enough in relation to the air coming in and going out to do anything.
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Offline BDI

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2009, 01:18:52 PM »
Last I heard the weight reduction of the crank makes your seat of the pants dyno think you have more horsepower but in actuality it isn't spinning fast enough in relation to the air coming in and going out to do anything.
That is correctamundo my friend. If you could make something like that work it would have to be ducted some how like a ducted fan. It would also have to spin faster then the engine in order to have a super charging effect. If you could make it work it would cause a vacume in the crank case that would hold the reeds open indefinitely, not sure what that would do :|
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 01:25:57 PM by BDI »
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Offline oic0

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Re: 2 stroke super charger or gimmick
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2009, 03:17:55 AM »
We would probably have better luck with one of those electric super chargers. While the piston is up it could ram maybe 1/2 - 2psi worth in there then the piston comes down and shuts the reeds pushing the pressure higher. Meanwhile the little motor builds a bit of pressure in the intake tract which is ready to blow through the reeds as soon as the pressure is higher than in the case. Would gain more on low end than on top though and who knows if the few hp gained would be worth having to carry around a Lithium Ion Battery.
2000 KX500
1998 Warrior, with RD350 engine (Blown up)
1973 RD350 (In storage)