You're in luck...I have several modded and unmodded '00 fenders layin around for pics....getting a pic with it on the bike will be a little tricky at the moment, as both bikes are pushed deep in a corner, with all kinds of stuff blocking my way to them.
Here's a side by side of the modded/unmodded...
Another from the bottom side...
As you can see, all the standing supports on the top need to be cut off, making it completely flat. You should be able to see by the pics how much. and where to cut and trim.
This pic is the modded fender sitting on top of the unmodded fender...
This one's just a side view...
If you need any more pics to better clarify, just say so.
Just go slow, cut a little off, hold it up in place, see how it looks...and repeat the process till it fits snug.