Kick over the bike and it is idling very high. Idle screw does nothing. Slide is all the way down. Air screw all the way in slows it down to a relatively decent idle. Replaced the boot between the reeds/engine and carburetor. Cleaned carb out.
Would anything else have anything to do with that such as reeds or piston rings??
Last season I did leave the carb in a parts cleaner paint can deal and am not sure that I took all the rubber washer/seals out. I took off the bowl and floats and plastic piece in the bowl and the float needle, but am not sure if any of that (if something other than that disolved in the parts cleaner) would have anything to do with high idle.
I could try to drop the needle down but I think its only 1 place away from being all the way down and when i purchased it, it was all the way up. Even if that did work, it seems like it would be a bandaid and eventually stop working.
I think i either have a vacuum leak (but have no idea where) or am getting too much gas which is causing it to suck more air but dont know how.
It ran just fine when i put it away for the winter and now this summer it is doing this?
I have previously had a problem where i would be riding high on the throttle and let the throttle down to slow down, the rpm would stay high, screaming high, moving the throttle back/forth did nothing, swaying the bike side to side did nothing. I had to shut it down and eventually it would start up not screaming (after 2/3 attempts kicking it over to screaming rpms). Replaced the throttle cable, but it came back eventually. Cleaned the carb, replaced the slide spring, seemed to go away, havent had it happen again. Not sure if this is related to my problem now.