So I have this bike in a box that was a 2002 KX250 w/a 500 in it when I bought it. I won't call into question the ancestry of the moron...... er........ guy that built it BUT......... he did a lousy

rig job. Here's the low down:
The engine cases are not real good. 1- the hole for the kick starter spring is broken, 2- the drain plug is stripped, and the best part is that HE USED A DREMEL TO CUT DOWN THE REAR MOUNT!!! Not only is it a lousy job but he must have gotten through the case because there is JB Weld in the corner.
Am I @#$%ed or what?
Here's my dilema: Do I buy used cases or sacrifice my '89 KX500? I tried to sell the '89 in late summer and couldn't move it at even $900.
On another question, which is a better idea: A- cut down the new cases to fit the swingarm or B- cut down the swingarm to fit the cases?
I really need to get this thing done by spring. Any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated because I feel the urge to put it all in a dumpster and forget about it.