Author Topic: Prerunning the Terribles Town 250  (Read 2941 times)

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Prerunning the Terribles Town 250
« on: January 01, 2004, 01:09:40 PM »
Has anyone ever prerun for the Terribles Town 250? I'm just getting into desert racing and the T T 250 will be my first desert race. I've heard that the prerun is a slow speed follow the leader trail ride on the course. Is it worth coming from Colorado to do it? Will the pits be the same that are used on race day? I've also E-mailed BITD, but wanted to hear from others.
   Thanks and Happy New Year!!



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Prerunning the Terribles Town 250
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2004, 03:16:51 PM »
Anyone that tells you NOT to pre-run any BITD event is A MORON! If this is your first race, don't you think it'd be a good idea to get a look at the areas/trail/terrain that you'll be going FASTER THAN YOU'D BELIEVE thru?

The pre-runs are a "Guided Tour". Casey is usually at the front "marking" the course while others follow. I, usually, hang back for a while OR try to be one of the last ones out.

You have to pre-run on a "Street Registered" vehicle; However, some of us creative types have shown up on WRs with a "Plate"...just make it look good. I added some "Dummy" blinkers and an Acerbis problems.

Take your time and take in the terrain. Make notes, keep mileage and record terrain/trail changes. Pay attention to transitions IN & OUT of washes and ONTO and OFF OF DRY(Not always DRY this time of year!) LAKE BEDS. Ask about "Tailings". What are they(?) and why you want to STAY AWAY FROM THEM.

Other points:
1. Behind EVERY bush there is a ROCK!
2. Yes, Virginia, there are Jumpin Cactus's(Cacti); However, it's because YOU jump into/go thru THEM!
3. Take an assortment of lenses and tear-offs. If it's Sunny out, you can get "Snow Blinded" on the lake beds-Dark/Polarized Lenses are a good thing on "Bright days". Please, be sure to change to lighter lenses as lighting conditions change. BEWARE ridin' into the Sun in the early A.M. and Evening...bad things happen when you are BLINDED!. If it's wet out-See Ricks post on goggles in "Tips".
4. Take and keep plenty of WATER on you at all times. This isn't Kansas...Pack it everywhere..ask Rick...people DIE out there...
5. Pre-Running on a Thumper is best. Stop and smell the's beautiful out there...
6. Good Luck...your first race should be about learning and attrition.  If you ride smart, instead of FAST, you'll do well. Take your time in the morning (Of the race)...charging thru the dust can get you hurt.

Best of Luck,

Manny(A guy who's had a few good BITD experiences...)


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Prerunning the Terribles Town 250
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2004, 03:04:25 AM »
Those cacti can reach out and touch you like you can't believe.  Four years ago, we were racing a National in southern US territory, and my son got just a little too close to a cactus, and snagged a section with needles.  Didn't crash, just got too close.  At the half way pit stop, he complained about his nose hurting really bad, but nothing was apparent in the 15 seconds it took to pit, so off he went on the second half of the race.  

At the end of the race, I took a close look at his nose, and found that when he snagged the cactus, one needle has pocked through on side of his nose, through the middle part of his nose, and about 1/2 way into the other nostril.   :shock: Fortunately, there was still about 1/4 inch protruding at the nose entry point, so ol' Doc Rick grabbed a pair of needle nose pliers (how ironic to remove a cactus needle with needle nose pliers  :D ), grabbed the needle, and pulled it out from his nose the same way it went in.  I didn't feel a thing, but the boy was none too happy.

The moral of the don't have to crash into a cactus to get stuck.  Give 'em a wide berth.  Also, Manny is 100% correct.  Don't try and win this event, just enjoy the experience, and you will do well, as too many folks ride over their head.  In fact, when I won the Open Expert class in 2002 in the region series, it wasn't because I was the fastest guy in the class, but rather the most consistent.  There were a couple of riders who were a lot faster than I am, but they kept crashing.  The result...the old guy wins the class for the year, and only finished first in one race.

Good luck



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Prerunning the Terribles Town 250
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2004, 01:10:21 PM »
Thanks Manny and Rick. Thats the kind of info I was looking for.