Well, related topic, but a bit of a change in direction. I learned something, I thought I might share.
We went back to the stock carb (mikuni) and played with adjustments, went back to the powerjet and then back to the Mikuni. The mikuni idled easy, but was always fat on the highest part of the rev. It took alot of revving to clean-out. The powerjet on the otherhand ran clean, had plenty of top-end rev, but no power under a load. After going back to stock carb and airbox, we still had no power while under a load. The old 86 mikuni didn't even have a mixture screw. Thereby adjusting mixture with the needle and the jets. That got us close, but it was the float adjustment that fixed it. They were a little high which caused it to be too rich going up hill, under a load. The float adjustment was the most noticeable improvement. By setting them to close sooner, we leaned the mixture and gave us our revving and power back.
You guys having trouble with rich condition at top of the rev and missing some mid- range power might need to check your floats. It matters.