Author Topic: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.  (Read 7780 times)

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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: 1st runBikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2009, 07:21:30 PM »
Got the Concours out of the shop today, picked up seals for the trailer.  Pulled apart the hubs on the trailer, cleaned everything, repacked the bearings, installed seals and put it all back together.  It's late and I don't have lights on the trailer but I had to test it.  Still need new tires, I didn't want to go over 40/45 mph.  Plus it's dark and I can't see the trailer behind me very well.  I know I can use it with the KX500AF 230 pounds.  KLX250 on the trailer weighs 265, it feels ok on secondary roads.  I'll check out the high way when I pick up tires tomorrow.  I need to adjust the bike on the trailer,  looking for 40 to 50 pounds of tongue weight.  It's tongue heavy in the picture.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 08:00:29 PM by Danger4u2 »
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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2009, 12:22:51 AM »
Why didn't I think of that. Now you can get two more chiks to ride with you!  :-D Present that to your GF....HA....NOT

Looks great.

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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2009, 02:37:32 AM »
Got the bath room scale out and set it the same height as the trailer would ride on the ball.  The hitch part can be adjusted, I moved it down one bolt hole to level the rail the bike sits in.  For testing purpose's I used short pieces of 2x4 to move the bike back on the trailer.  Tongue weight was 67 lbs.  3 blocks of 2x4's made tongue weight 43 lbs.  Moving the hitch down one bolt hole made the tongue weight 37 lbs.  ADVrider member suggested tongue weight of 20 lbs.
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Offline azdirtrider75

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2009, 03:51:10 AM »
Looks like a great setup. I need to get me a nice street bike.

Just a thought I had regarding tongue weight: If the tongue weight is too light wouldn't you be concerned about going over bumps (example:rail road tracks) and having the movement of the trailer possibly pull up on the ball, reducing traction of the rear tire, maybe even lifting it off the ground for a split second? I know that having the correct tongue weight for trucks pulling trailers provides stability. Not enough tongue weight can cause jack-knife accidents.

Have fun with your setup and ride safe.
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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2009, 05:59:08 AM »
Looks great Danger!! Take the bike out for a ride is getting a new meaning now :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Proud owner of a KX500AF

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2009, 06:49:32 AM »
I think one of the guys in our shop used the tire gauge on a tire that had slime in it.  The gauge is way off and I only had 15 psi in the tires.  Got may gauge from my truck and put a true 50 psi in each tire.  What a difference.  I ran 50 mph and it felt somewhat safe.  I'll have new tires tomorrow and do a real test.  The original tires are weather cracked and I don't trust them.  Here's a day light picture.
I adjusted the hitch another bolt hole down to get the rail close to level.  Tongue weight is 37 pounds.  Seem to be a good weight so far.  I just don't like the idea of a 20 pound tongue weight.  And AZdr75 yes the weight does freak me out.  Only jack -knife I want is in my pocket.  I think if I had a Gold Wing this would work well with the KLR650.  With the Concours I might keep to secondary roads with a 40 or 45 mph limit.  I'll know for sure tomorrow with the new tires.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 07:00:05 AM by Danger4u2 »
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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2009, 08:12:51 AM »
I've come to the conclusion that the motorcycle pulled motorcycle trailer is not going to work on the interstate highways.
I installed the new wheels and drove 55 mph.  I felt Ok but I'm still kind of squeamish.  My intent was pulling the KLR650 to the dual sport rides I attend out of state.  I like riding with my friends but it wears out the knobbies.  Plus the comfort of the street bike would be a big improvement over riding a dual sport for 4 and a half hours one way, then ride it all day at the meet.
I will use it to go motocross at the local riding areas.  I can stay on the secondary roads with a 45 mph or less.
When I get my MX bike back together I'll post how well it works.
Thanks for the input,
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Offline gowen

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2009, 04:42:00 AM »
Nice work! When I was a kid, I had a '86 TLR200 and fabricated a trailer that bolt to my swingarm so I could pull my mower around the neighborhood for lawn work. I was absolutely in love with my setup. Brings back all kinds of memories.. If I did not have to travel major highways during rush-hour, I'd ride in everyday..

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2009, 09:49:15 AM »
If you guys don't know.  I'm also a CR500R rider.  And I like it.  The K5 and the CR5 are both great bikes. They both have there place.  CR is more fun in the tight woods I ride in.  KX is more fun in the open.  Both can be the DEATH RIDE in the wrong hands.
Yes, I'm a member of CR500Riders, here's what I posted at CR500Riders:

UPDATE:  I loaded the KX500AF on the trailer behind the Concours.  I spent some time on getting the balance correct.  Man what a difference.  I made the tongue weight at about 25/30 pounds by adding small 2x4 blocks in front of the front wheel.  I checked the weight with a bathroom scale on a bucket.  At a later date I will make an adjustable wheel chock.  With all the lights installed and working I felt more comfortable on the road.  I took secondary roads to the riding area.  I ran 50 mph and all felt good.  Did my ride, loaded and took the same route home no problems.  I have a 97 CR500 I have owned for more than a year and have done nothing with it.  2 weeks a go I took it to Shawnee Honda in Shawnee Oklahoma with my truck, for repairs.  It's 45 miles from the house.  I went to pick it up with the Concours and trailer.  This was to be the real test.  Returning on Interstate 40.  The first 10/15 miles I was doing the white knuckle grip on the handle bars.  Once I got used to the loosey goosey feel of how everything worked together, I felt a little more comfortable.  I just had to loosen up and go with the flow.  18 wheelers blowing by adds to the turbulence but not any thing to get excited about.  All things considered this is the MX riding ticket for me.  I dress in my riding gear,  unload the bike and ride.  If I get muddy no problem.  I go wash the dirt bike and it's easy to sweep the street bike at the same time.  I get some wild looks on the road.  Anyone into bikes gives me the thumbs up as they go by.
Nothing like motorcycle riding to go MX motorcycle riding.
Full story here:

P.S.  I've been a 2 stroke junkie for years.  KX500 that is.  I own   But I have always been a Honda guy at heart.  If Okla. City had better Honda dealers I would not own 10 Kawasaki's and 1 Honda.  I wish I had fixed the CR500 a long time ago.  It's really starting to grow on me.  It's a much better bike in the woods than my stock KX500's.  The CR handles like my KX500AF from Service Honda but it puts more power to the ground.  This is my experience not my opinion.  I've been a member here for a long time but since my CR5 was not in good riding condition and I haven't  ridden it much, I didn't have allot to say.  I was just kind of a lurker or site surfer.  Now I can't get enough of the CR.  Now I want a Service Honda CR500AF to match the KX500AF.
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Offline BDI

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2009, 10:44:15 AM »
That's a cool trailer Idea Danger. I also am a very big honda fan :wink:. At one time, along time ago I raced BMX and I had an idea similar to yours but for a bicycle. I wanted to make a small light weight aluminum trailer with shifter kart tires that had a floating axle and a universal joint for a hitch so it would lean with the bike. I thought it would be cool to show up to the races pulling my 24" SE racing floval flyer behind my 93 gsxr1100. It was one of those late night loaded in the garage ideas  :-)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 11:05:43 AM by BDI »
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Offline cbxracer30

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Re: Test BikePulledBikeTrailer.
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2009, 02:29:43 PM »
Danger ,  maybe you just need a little bigger tow bike. Maybe a Voyager or my choice would be a KZ1300. I don't have one yet but would like to add one to my 6cyl. collection . Something with a little more weight. Also I was raised a Red Rider and didn't run the Green machines until we started racing them and I was buying them used cheaply. So its alright I think most of us have seen red every so often :-D CBX
Yep, you can ride it - if YOU can start it !!