Author Topic: Racing a Stock 250F??  (Read 5565 times)

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Racing a Stock 250F??
« on: February 24, 2004, 10:06:14 AM »
About a week and a half ago, I was out riding on a Thursday (a vacation day), and hooked up with Brian Brown breaking in his new KX250F.  We rode for a few hours, and then headed back to the truck.  Brian mentioned he was going to ride the new thumper in the enduro in Holister for the first time, and would be riding it bone stock.  I saw this morning that he was able to get fifth overall...on a stock bike!!

I'm becoming more impressed with the little thumper as the year rolls on.  Hope they don't develop any serious issues like the Honda 450 valve problems....  The boy might just get a KX250F for next year afterall.  Hopefully, he can get some support as a team green rider.  Last Sunday, he was able to take his little KX125 to 8th overall, 1st 125 in an all sandwash race.  Not sure how he made the little quarter liter go so fast, as he was able to take the 450's in the washes by not letting off the throttle in the corners.  He said he railed every wall he could find to help maintiain his speed.  I'd like to have seen the faces of those new thumper riders as a three year old 125 with a 14 year old hanging off the rear fender went racing past in deep sand.  He actually had 4th overall at the 1/2 way point, but just ran out of power to hold everyone off.  At the end of the event, he was begging for a new KX250F.  Too much fun....



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Racing a Stock 250F??
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 03:24:16 PM »
Get an '05 as soon as they're avail. Let's talk come Aug/Sept.



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Racing a Stock 250F??
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 03:37:43 AM »
Actually, I think the team green application for Ben needs to be in before July, so we are going to try and hit as many races on the front end of the season as possible.  Might even go to Utah for a couple of Nationals, and will certainly be racing the Idaho National.  

The '05 is certainly the ticket.  Still, can't believe how good these bikes are first time out of the gate!!



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Racing a Stock 250F??
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2004, 10:13:55 AM »
I was assuming the latter. I'd just like to give any "Help" that I can. The boss of the entire 'Team-Green' program is a "Real" "Off-Road" guy (He usta get P.O.d when Davey and Shane and the boys DIDN'T pre-run BITD....a real competitor!). He doesn't just like to look good. He likes to win AND he loves true American a kooky-hanging it all out-I'm tired of these young kids roostin' us Ol' guys on their 125s- 14 going on 15 year old I've been hearing about!

BTW, he's gonna need to ride the F somewhere between his 250 AND 125 2-Stroke styles. Kinda like Mike Bell or Ron Lechein in the Good'ol Days!
(Or, in all honesty, just start recording K-Dub's riding technique. If your boy ends up as tall and "Big" as I'd anticipate, he's gonna need the training and technical style that a guy like K-Dub's got. It's, at times, unfair how these bikes favor us "Average" 5'9" guys...kinda funny that I'm an Old School KXer kinda guy...).

The more I think about it, and..yes...I'm an Opinionated Over Analytical Self-Appointed Know-it-all...

He'd probably greatly benefit from the availability of an '04-'05 KX250 & an -F-. Really generous of me to volunteer your money, ain't it? I should be in Coprorate R&D!



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Racing a Stock 250F??
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2004, 06:31:37 AM »
So Rick is it a 250f or the new 250 2-stroke?