Author Topic: Weekend fatality at local ORV park  (Read 3715 times)

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Offline SlideWays

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Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« on: June 01, 2009, 03:06:02 AM »
Walker Valley, NW Washington State

I rode Walker on Sunday with a co-worker, we had just finished a 3 hour circuit on the trails and were back at the truck talking with several other riders when a med unit and ambulance went flying past the parking lot with lights & sirens on, figured someone was hurt pretty bad judging by the speed they were going on the gravel road.

Found out this morning that a rider had a high speed get-off on the main road and apparently didn't make it, I have no other details but will try to find out more information.

This sport that we love so much is inherently dangerous, I personally have broken several bones over the years, the older I get the longer it takes to heal so I ride smarter now.

I don't know the name of the fallen rider, I may or may not know him, just wanted to pass this along to my fellow riders along with this reminder:

Next time your ride, slow down a little bit and try working on technique rather then speed, ride responsibly and above all, be safe!!

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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 09:26:15 AM »
Sad news for sure. The last sentence in your post is very true. We all take the risk.
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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 09:42:47 AM »
I don't heal as fast at almost 52 years old.  That's why I said "I'm not climbing that hill" Sunday with Stewart and crew.
I live near a hospital and Med Flight fly's over all the time.  I wish them the best and think, I'm glad it's not me in there.
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Offline k5for-life

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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 09:53:55 AM »
I don't heal as fast at almost 52 years old.  That's why I said "I'm not climbing that hill" Sunday with Stewart and crew.
I live near a hospital and Med Flight fly's over all the time.  I wish them the best and think, I'm glad it's not me in there.
thats really sad to hear my thoughts are with the familes i had a bad get off on sunday as well im very thankful that i got up (almost didnt ) but thats what happens what you get cocky and end up riding way to fast
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 01:42:24 PM by k5for-life »
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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 10:24:34 AM »
[/quote]thats really sad to hear my thoughts are with the familes i had a bad get off on sunday as well im very thankful that i got up (almost didnt ) but thats what happens what you get cock and end up riding way to fast

I know this is a sad subject and i shouldn't be joking, but that last line really made me laugh

Offline SlideWays

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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 12:24:20 PM »
I haven't seen anything in the local paper regarding this incident, but here is what I know from talking with the two guys that found the fallen rider.

The guy was riding a CR-250 on a fairly flat, smooth section of the main access road, bike was found about 20 feet from the rider still idling in 4th gear, helmet and riding gear pretty badly torn up, rider was un-responsive when they found him, nobody else was around.

thats really sad to hear my thoughts are with the familes i had a bad get off on sunday as well im very thankful that i got up (almost didnt ) but thats what happens what you get cock and end up riding way to fast

I know this is a sad subject and i shouldn't be joking, but that last line really made me laugh


Hey, at least he didn't say he "relaxed and smoked a cigarette" when he was done  :lol:
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Offline SlideWays

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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2009, 12:38:24 AM »
Just got confirmation on this, here is an e-mail from our local DNR office that manages the ORV park.

"On a serious note, many of you may have heard about a fatality accident that happened last Sunday in Walker Valley ORV Park near Mount Vernon in Skagit County. The deceased was riding a motorcycle when he drifted to the right edge of the roadway onto loose gravel. His right tire lost traction, and he lost control of his bike. He died of massive chest injuries at the scene. At the time of the accident, he was wearing a helmet and no chest protection".

People, you paid good money for that safety gear, may as well wear it!

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Offline martinfan30

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Re: Weekend fatality at local ORV park
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2009, 02:45:32 AM »
Just got confirmation on this, here is an e-mail from our local DNR office that manages the ORV park.

"On a serious note, many of you may have heard about a fatality accident that happened last Sunday in Walker Valley ORV Park near Mount Vernon in Skagit County. The deceased was riding a motorcycle when he drifted to the right edge of the roadway onto loose gravel. His right tire lost traction, and he lost control of his bike. He died of massive chest injuries at the scene. At the time of the accident, he was wearing a helmet and no chest protection".

People, you paid good money for that safety gear, may as well wear it!

And I almost considered not bringing my chest protector today...
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