Author Topic: BAd for our sport  (Read 2731 times)

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Offline azracer19

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BAd for our sport
« on: May 26, 2009, 05:57:51 AM »
Just my point of view here, it seems more and more I am seeing guys. KIDS, women of all ages riding with out helmets, boots and other protective gear, sometimes drinking a beer while riding. This drives me crazy. I know the story its your head you can do with it what you want. Way to many friends have been seriously injured even with a helmet I myself have been knocked out a few times with a helmet. But when the public sees those racing around and kids without helmets the drinking, it dosent reflect well on us motorcyclest. And one day someone will pay with his or her life for not taking the time to throw a helmet on. I guess I might have been raised in another era, we were tought to always act responsably by wearing gear, not drinking, picking up our trash and in general being respectfull to ourselves the land and other riders.

Offline KXcam22

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Re: BAd for our sport
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 07:24:24 AM »
In my area it is the quad riders that never seem to wear helmets. Cam.

Offline azracer19

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Re: BAd for our sport
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2009, 07:26:21 AM »
Ya alot of it  is quads but bikes to...and the little kids, it scares the heck out of me

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: BAd for our sport
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2009, 07:36:34 AM »
  I have a group I ride with that most times DON'T wear their helmets.  On top of that they ride Honda 200X 3 wheelers.  "I don't need my helmet, it's just a fun run".  That always turns into them all racing around.  None of the private riding areas allow 3 wheelers.  I ride 2 city owned riding areas and no 3 wheelers.  They can still ride them at Little Sahara Okla., and wear a helmet if you choose.  You have the choice of wearing a helmet on the street if your 18 and older.  Off road I always wear a helmet.  Always on the K5 and the KXF450R quad.  I don't wear my helmet if I ride over to the business across the field.  If it's a nice day I don't wear the helmet to the post office or to get lunch. 
  When we do the dual sport rides we drink a beer when we stop at the diner for lunch. And I can handle people enjoying a few beers as long as they aren't blasted.  I don't want a drunk slamming into me.  At the dunes it's more of a lake kind of atmosphere and the beer is flowing, so a person has to really watch for "out of control jerks".
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Offline oic0

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Re: BAd for our sport
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 01:49:19 AM »
Ya alot of it  is quads but bikes to...and the little kids, it scares the heck out of me

Sounds cold and mean, but that is their DNA. If they don't want to protect their genetic immortality, that is their problem. Our instincts tell us to protect all children we see (and I do so when given the opportunity, the same instinct is just as strong in me), but that is what helps me sleep better at night when I cant see their faces.
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Offline Mr. Torque

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Re: BAd for our sport
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 03:21:05 PM »

Sounds cold and mean, but that is their DNA. If they don't want to protect their genetic immortality, that is their problem. Our instincts tell us to protect all children we see (and I do so when given the opportunity, the same instinct is just as strong in me), but that is what helps me sleep better at night when I cant see their faces.

Youre exactly right.  But the problem here is that everytime someone gets killed on a bike or a quad (97% of those who are killed were not wearing a helmet...research it!) the media doesnt care if they were wearing one or not.  They just exploit it to the high heavens.  It looks bad on everyone in the bike/quad community.....and the worse we look, the more trail systems and tracks get shut down.  In a nutshell, when they arent wearing a helmet and killing themselves....they are somewhat infringing on your rights as an off-roader.

Not saying I agree with the way things are, thats just how they are.