Author Topic: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes  (Read 6758 times)

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Offline Johnniespeed

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Re: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2009, 11:11:38 PM »
 I think the tree huggin eco nazi's blame all forms of soil and eco system erosion on the backpackers and hikers. The hikers blame it on the horse back riders, the horse riders blame it on the dirt bikes, the dirt bike blame it on the quads, the quads blame it on the Jeeps, the Jeeps blame it on the full size four wheel drive trucks and the full size trucks blame it on the loggers.
 It's human nature to blame it on others. It's not possible to dictate common sense, so you cannot pass any laws to protect the trails, that are enforceable. It really is a shame when a nice trail or riding area gets torn up. The only thing I have found that actually works is, leading by example. And since most of us ride trails in groups, we can educate, one on one, the members of our riding groups. The guys I ride with will pick up litter and trash when they stop for a break, that has taught me to do the same. The example each of us sets, is watched by all others.
Spring is here and the Mighty 500 wants to ride.
 2004 KX500 E16
 Michigan has the best groomed and mapped trail system, check out the Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan trail maps.

Offline Mr. Torque

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Re: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2009, 03:11:40 PM »
Its a bad situation, and everyone gets the finger pointed at them for the damage that irresponsible quad owners cause.  I feel that the cause for a majortity of the problems caused is lack of education.  Whether it be by the way of a classroom, training, rule board, or a knuckle sandwich.  If 80% of the jackasses out there actually knew what damage they were causing to the sport or leisure, they would quit doing it.  The other 20% will probably never get it....and the will ride both 2 and 4 wheels. 

I race/ride ATV's mostly, but I also ride/race bikes.  I myself am sometimes ashamed of the quad community for not being more responsible, and the responsible ones dont do anything about it.  I on the other hand, will do all I can to educated those causing issue....whether it be one of the first three mentioned methods or the last one mentioned if it comes down to it. 

Either way, as stated before we all get the finger pointed at us.  Dont just point to the next person in line....take responsibility and fix the problem before your kids and my kids dont have the same riding opportunities as we do.

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2009, 04:43:11 PM »
Let me sum this up for everyone. I can do this objectfuly because I dont have kids of my own. I do have kids that came with the wife.
   You are 20 something with a brand new 3 year old cramping your style so you decide to get "it" one of those cute little quads. The idea is that "MOM",who doesnt ride anymore...after the "I DO's, can watch the little bugger ride around the parking area while you go ride. Good idea except MOM doesnt care if "it" runs into a hubcap or two or maybe scratches a little paint off SOMEONE ELSES vehicle. After all her kid is having the time of there life. This goes on a few years untill NASCAR dounuts are perfected between the parked cars. Now the kid is all grown up, 14 maybe 15, mom is no longer even at the riding area. The kid has a girlfriend or at least something to show the world. He now has a meaner and badder quad because YOU are keeping up with the Jones and the Jones would never make there kid learn to ride a motorcycle, after all you cant text while riding a motorcycle, and we all know that they need a phone of there own. OOOPS I got side topic completely.
   I could go on forever. In my oppinion it is not the quad, 3wheeler or the motorcycle. It is the total lack of respect, disiplin and parenting that is being offered to the kids of today. I am willing to bet that most of you young dads out there have watched your little kid drag his fingers down a parked car at Wal Mart and said nothing or thought nothing of it and I now the mothers dont. If you are 30 or less, your dad didnt care. Dont blame yourself you were raised that way. Your Grandpa would have broken your little fingers off.
I agree 100%! My girlfriend worked for 10 years as a salesperson at a Kawi shop and saw many a parent buy their kids a quad/bike and use it as a babysitter. She would always recommend the safety courses but most would refuse them. We live in a rural blueberry/cranberry farming community in Southern NJ and have the same problems over here. Most of the farmers hate anything with 2 or 4 wheels because of the damage that is done to their crops and equipment by these irresponsible kids/grownups. I am lucky to have struck up a good relationship with some of the farmers and they have given me permission to cross their property to get to the state forest.
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline iambigd

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Re: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2009, 08:27:36 AM »
Snowboarding vs. Skiing. Same deal.

Offline oic0

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Re: Quad Riders & Destructive Attitudes
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2009, 09:30:21 AM »
I agree 100%! My girlfriend worked for 10 years as a salesperson at a Kawi shop

There has to be more story to that! Is that how you met her? is that why you are dating her? the discount? lol
2000 KX500
1998 Warrior, with RD350 engine (Blown up)
1973 RD350 (In storage)