After 8 years of searching. I have finaly found my FIRST bike. I was givin the bike as a birthday present on my 2nd birthday. When I got it, I couldnt even touch the foot pegs. When It came time to upgrade I had to sell her to get a bigger better bike. I have missed her ever since.
She is a 1978 Honda ATC70. All the chrome work, paint work, fiberglass fenders etc were all done circa 1979. One of the original "custom 70's" that seems to have become a fad lately...
Unfortunately she sat outside for a while Id guess, and the previous owner had something against changing air filters, as the motor has a stuck ring, and has been very well sanded... So the motor is getting torn down...
Paint, I want to try and save it. Just do some touch up work and a coat of clear... Just picked it up out of under a pile of stuff in some guys garage yesterday, so Im pretty excited...
Plan on letting my 2yr old nephew ride it, my kids... and have been trying to come up with some sort of idea to build a lexan box for it and make it into a coffee table?