After 5 weeks it's finally complete - brief history. Bought the bike to ride on the ice this upcoming winter. When I went to look at it the weather was horriable so I couldn't ride the bike. The bike was in a barn and the lighting was very poor. I knew the bike was in poor shape but when I got home with the new purchase it was worse than I thought. At one point I considered part out the bike.......I didn't and now I am very glad I didn't. All though I have more money in the bike than it will every be worth, the knowledge I gained rebuilding, the pleasure I had working on this monster bringing it to life is well worth the cost in the end. Finally took it for a ride today = WOW! I have had plenty of bikes with lots of horsepower but nothing like this. This beast makes me smile just thinking about it right now. Anyways gonna do some dirt riding / hare scrambles / motorcross with the bike just for fun until the ice season gets here. Put for what it's worth here is my progress. Complete frame removale, replaced all suspension bearings, powder coated frame, swingarm, wheels and triple clamps. Sent Jug out to US chrome, installed "window" piston, installed stewart bolt, reed spacer, got the jetting correct per instruction and guide here on site, new pipe and silencer, revalved forks and shock, new springs, fluid and seals. The rest is comsetics........ Might be selling a dirt bike but it won't be the KX that's for certain! Just wanted to share........