Author Topic: Title for my KX? Check  (Read 2559 times)

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Offline 2000kaw

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Title for my KX? Check
« on: March 22, 2009, 10:11:38 AM »
Last spring spring I bought my KX500 and after a summer of riding her up here in Minnesota it was clear that this thing needed to be on the street. After everyone I talked to said it would be impossible to get a title for this thing especially with out a MSO, I was set on proving everyone wrong.

Being a poor college student, I was hesitant to put alot of money into making it street legal to only be shot down and not get a title. So I made my way down to the DMV to see what they had to say about getting a title for it. Luckly no one there had any idea what documentation was needed to get a title or if the bike had to be inspected. They called a few people and a couple of police officers and still no one knew what needed to be done to get a title. After registering it with the DNR and convincing the lady there that I had made it street legal, pulling some strings, and two trips to the DMV, she sent in the paper work for a title and said we'll see what happens. To my amazement, a month later a title came in the mail.

Everyone laughed at me when I said I was going to try and get a title for it and the best part is, the bike is in complete stock form. Looks like I got the last laugh on this one. Now I just need to come up with some money to actually make this thing legal now that the "hardest" part is done. Any advice on getting it streetable would be appriciated. I'm sure I will find some good help here.

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Re: Title for my KX? Check
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 10:23:50 AM »

as far as roadworthy stuff,
id say the usual like :

head/tail/brake lights
enduro muffler for less noise ?dunno if they put it to the DB tester?

i have a streetlegal kx500 too ,but we dont need to fit horn and blinker up til the 1997 models
then from 97 and up it must be on the bike .
but thats holland ,my country

good luck ! 8-)
Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline 2000kaw

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Re: Title for my KX? Check
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 08:53:31 AM »
In Minnesota, once you get a title for it you're home free as long as you can keep the cops off your back.

 I just getting a list together of things to order here now that spring is here but I'm still not sure what to do for rims and tires. At least a rim and tire combo that I can afford at the moment.

What are you running for rims?