I think Manny would win. I don't do tripples...big doubles...those really nasty Motocross whoops (I like the nice rolling whoops in the desert)...and if my lovely wife has anything to say about, don't race motocross at all.
She used to let me practice motocross on Thursday nights at one of the local tracks, but the last time I went, I got in a fight. I know sounds stupid, but since I was just there for practice night for fun, anyone wanting around was allowed around without any touble. One "really fast" guy thought he was really fast in the whoops, so tried a pass on the inside as we went into a right hand corner. Since he had the line, I just left the door open a little, so he could have the berm. So, what's he do? Takes both of us out in the corner.
Well, I'm really not the hot head type (my wife has only seen me upset two time in 25 years of marriage), but something in my brain just snapped. There we both were, flat on out backs, bikes on top of us. My next move shocked even me. I reached over with my left hand, grabbed his full face helmet, and started punching him in the face through the little opening. As others stop (me still punching), his bike was lifted off first, and he immediately jumped up, saying things like "let's go #$%@". As my bike was lifted off, his eyes got a little wide as I rose to the full 6' 4+" frame. Since he was on the small size, and I'm not, his whole attitude changed. We were told to take if off the track, so I immediately started my bike and exited stage left. Funny thing, he didn't feel compelled to exit the track for quite a while. In fact, he was the last one off the track. Practiced for more than an hour straight. Fortunately, by that time, I was back to my old self, and followed him to his truck to appologize. He was still pretty nervous until I extended my hand to say I was sorry.
Well, that was the last time I went to practice. You see, all four of my kids were with me, and my wife didn't feel I had set a good example. I tried to explain that the other guy never answered my blows to his face, so really, I had won. Good example, right. She was not impressed....
So, no motorcross for me until I grow up. Probably going to be a really long time. Ugh.