Thought I would jump in on this thread. Ben (who flat flys on a KX125, and can put the hurt to just about any kind of bike until he gets on a two track road where the little 125 runs out of gears) had the chance to ride a new stock KX250F. I told him to take it easy...worked for about the first 2 minutes. Since he has put a few hours in on my 500, the different power band was not a problem, and now all he talks about is getting a 250F, but he's on the 125 for one more year.
When we were out playing on the 250F, a few other folks were out taking it for a spin, and one particularly cocky "stud" motorcyle guy tried to climb a particularly difficult hill with several ditches and lot of sag brush. Came back to the trucks and told the new owner that the "thing" didn't climb very well. As you might imagine, this didn't make me real happy to see a dork bad mouth a mans new machine, so I sent Ben over to take another ride...specifically instructuted to take the same line up that nasty hill (which was easily visable from the trucks). Well, the boy walked up the hill without a hitch, so I graciously pointed out that it must have been the rider that caused the climbing failure..either that or the 14 year old that was looking down from the top of the hill simply had a bigger package.

Sometimes it's nice to be big so you can speak your mind. Don't do it very often, just when someone really asks for it...
That 250F is simply a sweet bike. Just don't know if I really want to work on a 4-stroke.
On the addition of trick parts, Manny is 100% correct. Several years ago, my oldest was looking to switch bike sponsors, so approached a Honda shop. Not sure of Matt's ability, they gave him a clapped out 1995 Honda CR250 (it was in the used bike section of the store) to race at the event the following weekend. He brought the piece of crap home and asked me to make sure it would last the entire race. I suggested we carve the plastic up and make it fit on a Kawasaki just to be safe, but he had something to prove. We adjusted the suspension as best we could for a Honda, slapped on a set of Pro Taper bars, and took it to the race. I made him park it behind some bushes until the race started so no one would know that ugly thing came in my van. At the end of the event, he was second overall. He would have won the race, but lost his fanny back, so turned around to retrieve it and lost the overall. Learn to go fast first, and then add the trick stuff.
Finally, Ben's 125 has Five non-stock parts. 1. A PC pipe only because he smashed the stock pipe or he would still be running it. 2. A heavier flywheel for the races in the trees. 3. A V Force reed cage because he wanted it for his birthday present (or he wouldn't have it). 4. Pro Taper bars I've had for 5 years. 5. A spark arrester cause I don't like tickets. I expect he will win his first overall this year on a three year old, mostly stock KX125. I just hope it holds together just one more year.
Enjoy the 250F.