Author Topic: Your Quad/Quad Interest.  (Read 5100 times)

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Offline 93KX5Rider

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Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« on: February 21, 2009, 03:36:57 PM »
Hey I love dirt biking way more than quads and that will never change.

       But I still love almost everything motocross and I'm interested in getting myself a quad as well. It won't be for another year or so but I want to start doing my home work now so I can make the most educated decision on what I should spend my hard earned dollars on. So I figured making a thread where people can just talk about quads would help me learn from other people's experiences with different makes and models to help me make an even better decision. So I figure I better make this a good and long post to start this thing off strong. I have been taking the most interest in the YFZ 450 year 2006-2008 because I know the early models had problems. Anything up to a 04 is an early model in my opinion. I have also never had a newer machine before so I'd like that as well and 06-08 is still pretty d**n new to me. I also chose it because it's 4 stroke and I have never owned one. It has has s**t loads of after market parts so if I'm ever not satisfied with the power I have many options open to me. And after getting use to my KX5 I'm sure I'll be doing homework on aftermarket parts for it after I have bought it. I have a neighbor who only rides quads in the summer because that is what he likes. He takes good care of his machines so to me this person has an opinion worth listening to when it comes to quads. He used to have a newer model Raptor 660 which he sold and bought himself a YFZ 450. I asked him how he liked it and he said it was awesome. Just as fast and powerful as his raptor but he said it just feels better. Which makes me feel good about leaning more towards the YFZ. I know it needs regular oil changes and maintenance and that 4 stroke repairs are usually more expensive than 2 stroke repairs but I like to care for my machines and keep them in good condition so I don't think any of that would bother me all t hat much. I'm not even sure which other quads I should look at because this one has been standing out the most to me....

         Anyways, let me know what you guys think about the YFZ. Let me know what problems you have heard about with the YFZ. Let me know what kind of quad you have, what kind of quad you like or was your favourite to ride. Any thing quad related is welcome it is pretty much just an open discussion starting with my preference for dirt bikes but also my interest in quads. If you have something rude or negative to say then keep it to yourself please. Unless it's about some crappy quad you rode. :wink:

I'll be waitin' on your responses

- Peace. :evil:


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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 11:34:36 AM »
I reckon most of the boys 'round here tend to lean towards green............

Offline alan

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 12:32:43 PM »
I love my KX5 and my Kxf700 also! I like the KX 5 in the desert and love the 700 V in the dunes! :-D :-D
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 12:35:01 PM by alan »
Sand - Dirt - Dunes = Fun
       04- 700V - 01- KX500
        08 TeryX 2012 KX450F

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 12:38:58 PM »
I rode a 2002 Honda TRX400ex for 4 1/2 years.  Good quad, fun, handled ok.  I had extra wheels with sand tires.  Makes for a quick swap to hit the dunes.  I was riding behind the shop one day at lunch.  Ran off the trail down a hill into the brush.  Took forever to get it turned around and out of there.  One of the guys at work had a friend that had been bugging me to sell it to him.  I was looking at getting a new quad and getting stuck made it easy to go for it.  He came over and bought it that night and the next morning I was at the Kawi dealer for a 2008 KFX450R.  It was one of the first true MX quads with electric start, fuel injection and reverse.  Handles very well and for sure more fun than the 400ex.  It came out with rave reviews in the magazines.  But lately it's getting reviews I would say "not bad but not good either".  They say it lacks in power compared to the other new quads on the market.  Give'em a year and they will be back on top.  The competition is so strong there's not really a bad quad out there.  Some are better that others.  I'm talking MX quads. I've never owned a utility quad.
First picture is the day I took a trip over the bars on the Honda, at speed, on a mud hole that was way deeper than I expected.
Second picture Kawi at Little Sahara State Park Oklahoma.  Drove up by myself on a week day for the Lunar Eclipse.  It was killer, very few people and the wind blew big time the night before.
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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 01:43:37 PM »
It is probably a no brainer to know what my favorit quad is. :-D
First its mandatory that it be a Kawai.Second it must burn oil.
MY ILR 330

then a group shot minus my newest K5 powered one

then the new one that I am falling in Love with. :-D

Offline 93KX5Rider

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2009, 02:01:15 PM »
I had the feeling that people on here may be more interested in Kawi for obvious reasons but I was still interested in finding out everyone's opinion anyways. I absolutely agree that most quads out these days are pretty much equal in performance. The only thing that has stood out to me is the YFZ 450 or maybe the Suzuki LT-R 450. Danger I like the look of your KFX450R with the sand tires on and everything. Anyone have stories any problems with the YFZ? If so what year bike and what problems? Awesome collection you have there toby! If I were going to get a 2 stroke quad I would get a banshee or I would get a LT 500 :) I don't own any 4 strokes but I think I'd like some variation in my toys/bikes so that they aren't all the same. I'd like each of them to give a different feel when you ride em ya know? If I bought all 2 stroke kawai everything it would kind of be like buying the same thing over and over again because all of them would ride pretty similar. But to each his own right.
I was beginning to think no one liked quads on here because I didn't get any replies at first. Anyways, continue to post anything quad related here guys. I'm glad to see some people are interested! :)

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2009, 02:25:52 PM »
The thing I like about Yamaha is the factory GYTR aftermarket accessories.
Kawasaki dropped the ball when it comes to factory aftermarket accessories.  Most of my aftermarket parts are AC Racing.
I have a good time riding my quad when I ride it but I don't ride it much.  The K5's are way more fun.  I always take it if we go sand riding.
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Offline 93KX5Rider

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2009, 03:44:47 PM »
I was going to ask if any of these 450 4 strokes even compare to a 500 but then I realized how retarded of a question that is. I know riding my KX5 will always be way more intense but I think I will enjoy having the quad around for when I'm lazy or for when I just wanna cruise down the country road to a friends real quick. When I ride my 500 I feel like I have to gear up and put on every piece of equipment but when I get on a quad all I feel like all I really need is a helmet. I also like how much and how many different aftermarket accessories there are for the YFZ. I like to tune/repair/improve on my bikes all the time as well as my riding  :wink: So I like that part too.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 12:08:39 AM by 93KX5Rider »


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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2009, 10:36:52 PM »
I'm not sure bout the brands difference with the quads but if i would choose any two other than a Kawasaki i would choose a Suzuki Lt500 or a Yamaha Banshee(yfz350) most likely the banshee because it has more available parts than the Lt500 and they are both 2stroke means less maintainence Plus who doesn't like 2strokes :-D

just incase anyone knows what power the 500 has compared with the banshee because i am considering a quad also 8-) cheers kiddo

Offline lhazc

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 02:05:12 PM »
 thats sharp as hell.....  :evil:  looks mean with the sand tires and the bright green at night...
thats a great shot of it!!        
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Offline BigGreenMachine

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 12:17:05 PM »
I picked up a new 08 TRX450R back in October. It does everything I want it to and is d**n fast through the trails. The best mods you can do are a steering stabilizer, GT Thunder suspension revalve and some barkbusters IMO.

The G/F stuck.

As for the YFZ, it'll be fine as long as it fits you. Best bet is to get out to the dealers and sit on each sport quad to see what layout feels best.

Offline 93KX5Rider

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Re: Your Quad/Quad Interest.
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2009, 12:15:38 PM »
Good call. Thank you as well for mentioning what mods you found most useful. I have already been looking at steering stabilizers  :-P keep posting your quads. I'd post one if I owned one.