HI guys
just recently got my bike to started after putting it back together,ive got it running about 3 weeks ago and it started fine revved cleanly after warmed up and i was able to adjust the idle screw to get it ticking over for about a min,i started it up today give it a blast up the road a couple of times and then noticed it smoking loads even though hot,its started idling uneven surging and turning the idle screw all the way out it still idles
...now i bought the bike as a basket case and the guy told me the motor had been completely rebuilt,i had no reason to doubt him as the piston looked new and the gaskets round the cases looked new...im just miffed why tonight all of a sudden its smoking badly and it idles(eratically) even when the idle screws wound right out?it worked fine before and i had to adjust it in the get it to idle...the jettings main:175 pilot:65 needle pos:3 air scews 1 half turns out ,any insight would be appreciated.
i don,t know what to say ,but want to try to help here.
couldn,t it be the rightside crankseal blown out ,causing gearbox oil to burn in the combustionchamber,causing severe smoke ?
is it maybe possible all together ,compression is pushing gearbox oil against the frontsprocketsealing ,causing it to leak ?
that is possible if the drain on the top ,located behind the kickstarter,could be possibly be clogged ?
i ,m just thinkin out loud
still the high idle is weird ,
i had experienced the above crankseal story with a kx250 ,
but it didn,t idled irraticaly like yours does

hopin for more input here!!
curious now .