Author Topic: Foam cuts down vibration?  (Read 7133 times)

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2009, 07:20:02 AM »

History lesson time :-D.............

Actually McGrath rode his 1993 CR250 in 93, 94, 95, and in 96

Thats what I referred to, but you made it complete :-D :-D :-D

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Offline KXcam22

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2009, 10:52:30 AM »
I have heard of this before.  I doubt that the foam injection would increase the rigidity of the frame enough to effect the handling.  The torsional strength of foam is about zero compared to tubular steel (or chromoly) of which the KX frame is made.  It does absorb vibrations nicely however.  Would be a good experimant to try.  USMC500 do you want to be our ginea pig??  I hear the latex version is easier to work with since you can wipe it off before it sets up. I can recall filling the bar ends with RTV in the old days (70's).  I don't remember how well it worked. Cam.

Offline USMC 500

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2009, 02:17:57 PM »
I'm gonna do a little more research on this theory.  As soon as I figure out what I'm gonna do I'll post up some results.
I once heard my buddy Bill ask Danny Hamel after a race....
"How can someone who looks like a high school band tuba player go so d**n fast on a bike?!"

Offline Bigtim

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2009, 03:02:27 AM »
The stuff you're talking about is called Great Stuff.
:-o :-o  Are you sure? Let me think about that while I enjoy a soda... i mean Pepsi-cola.  Why don't you go down to your local hardware store... oops i must mean Lowes, and make sure we are talking about the same :-D

Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2009, 08:43:47 AM »
 That stuff, "good stuff," is nasty. It won't wash off of your hands, clothes, or tools. I think it may add to the vibration anyway. If the frame is solid, it would vibrate more wouldn't it? It definately has a enough room to add weight, then it may also trap moisture in a bad area of the frame. Also, never let that stuff freeze, yes it does. You think a beer can ruin the stuff in the freezer, wait till a can of the good stuff blows up on your bike stuff. :lol: :lol: :-o

Offline mysnykkx500

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2009, 09:13:44 AM »
I have used the construction foam "gret stuff" as draft stop in  houses and I will be the first to tell you that stuff gets about rock hard. If you do not believe me go buy a can and fill a soda bottle or can with it and let it dry....  INDESTRUCTIBLE!  But not too heavy.

Offline cbr600f31997

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2009, 04:28:16 PM »
did this ever get tested?

Offline TheGDog

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Re: Foam cuts down vibration?
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2009, 08:01:47 PM »
Hrmm... I already filled my handlebars with silicone caulk. It helped the vibration a mild degree.  SIGH... I guess I'm gonna hae to just get some bar-end weights then.  Being a software engineer, I'm borderline carpel-tunnel anyway as it is.  I need all the help I can get with the K5's vibes.

In the meantime... I make it a point to audibly tell myself out-loud while riding to relax my death-grip on the bars whenever the terrain eases up for a sec.  But still... I get to a point where I just have to go back to camp and let the fore-arm pump go back down for my own safety.
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